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(Niall's P.O.V)

I was hitting the road again not knowing what to expect! I'm actually doing this, going to a woman for help! I don't even know her name! I'm. The despite I don't want Charlie to starve, what kind of father would I be if I let that happen?

I was along the motor way for like the 3rd time today and then.

"Shit!" The car broke down.

"Shipt" Charlie said looking at me for a while then smiling.

"Don't say that! Bad word, only big boys like daddy can say that!" I said warning Charlie.

I was stranded. I reached through the little pouches of my car to find my mobile. I pulled the number out of my pocket from before, which the lady handed to me from before. the little note was scrunched up in a little ball I tried pulling it apart. I dialled the number in my phone quickly waiting for a response...


I tried again....

"Hello? who's speaking?" A little strong British acsent said.

"Oh Hi, sorry it's erm the lad, Blonde Irish. From before." I said I couldn't speak I was that nervous.

"Ahh yes I remember you. What's your name I don't quite catch it from your abusive friend from before?" She said

"Erm Niall, Niall Horan. Oh and erm, And you?" I said my hands were shaking as I sat in my car.

"Lucy, Lucy Fisher." she said, She was calming me down a bit.

"Erm right, see I have my son with me and I don't have a place to go and my cars broke down." I said I could help my self but to bite my already bloody lips.

"So do you want me to call some one for you?" She said slowly.

"I was thinking more like" I gulped "Couldistayatyoursbecauseihavenowhereelseandwerehungry and yeh" I said.

"What what, slow down! Hold your horses, Irish" she said Giggling down the phone. i didn't see the funny side of it but... I'm not in 'that' mood.

"Could you maybe help me and my son, Charlie. Tonight? I have no where to stay. No money and no Gas..." I said gulping. This is too soon I only met her about 2-3 hours ago and now I'm asking her for a place.
"No I'll just leave it sorr-"

"No you can stay I'll come and pick you up in my car, I'll come back for yours later." she said,
"Where are you?"

"I'm up off the m62 ? " I said unsurly

"Okay bye blondey . before I could reply she put the phone down.

I turned mine off before Louis, Jess or Oli-Oliv. I couldn't even think of her name it made me sick to the gut.

I stayed there with the heating on while I put Charlie on my lap blowing on his stomach.

"Mummy!!" He squiled

"No, no mummy?" I said looking into his deep blue eyes.

"Mummy!!" He started crying.

I turned my head to see what he was looking at..


Hopelessly devoted (Niall Horan fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now