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(Harry's P.O.V)

I decided to go over to Niall's and Olivia's house today. Haven't seen them in a while. I just feel happy around Olivia. I think I like her, and I want her. But I can't have her. Im Niall's my best friend! I can't have his fiancée.

Every day I think of her she is beautiful!!!!!! I can't stand to see her with Niall! She should be mine. Niall doesn't care for her! He only has her because she had a baby. That's all and I think that she deserves me! I deserve her! And I'm going to get her!

I pulled up out side Nialls drive. I saw they had company... Louis and Jess...

I rang the bell 5 times in a row waiting for them to answer the door I saw Niall.

"Oh hey mate..." Niall said to me leading me in

"Hey... Hello Olivia you okay?" I said walking to wards her.

"Been better thanks?" She said looking at me. Louis gave me 'looks' then shrugged to Niall. Niall was fumin with me. But tbh I don't give any shits!!

"How have you been with the baby then Olivia ? " I asked looking into her beautiful bright blue eyes and her long blonde hair falling over her face.

"Alright I guess well Niall's been my rock" she giggled.

"Ahh good he truly cares for someone." I said looking to Niall he looked like he wanted to punch my face in right there, right then.

"Well we'd better be hitting the road!" Louis said pulling Jess up with him leaving with out any good byes.

"I'm just going to get the food out so we can have our tea." Niall said gazing at me.

"Okay babe." Olivia said kissing him on the lips so sweetly. How I wish that was me! I thought over to my self.

"You okay then Harry?" Olivia said looking into my eyes.

"Yeh been better, I'm sorry I came here I guess that I was just lonely!" I admitted to her.

"Oh it's alright why do you stay the night?" She asked

"Yes please!" I said, I alright had joggers and a long tee top so I'll be fine.

"Have you had your tea? Because I was going to offer mine I don't feel too good. I'm all snacked up on pop corn and shit!" She said holding her stomach.

"I'll pass..." I said smiling at her in Return.

"So Harry why don't you go while we have our tea?" Niall said, not even making eye contact.

"Oh I said that he could stay the night because he's feeling lonely..." Olivia said smiling to Niall

"That's great isn't it? Just... Great..." He said sarcastically.


After Niall finished and Olivia ate a little too. They both say back and took Charlie to bed.

"So what are we doing tomorrow Niall?" Olivia asked to Niall who was now on the opposite side of the room from us.

"What ever!" He said looking straight to the tv.

"Why don't we go to the cinema?" I suggested.

"Oh right we can do that and I'll ask Zayn and Perrie if they could be up to baby sitting. I still need a personal life I'm only a kid!" Olivia said giggling.

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