Im Not Ready!

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(Niall's P.O.V)

I had got out of the car to go into the house. I had Charlie placed on my hip, the usual place I hold him.

"Why did you want me out of that hotel!? Like you dragged me out?" I said stopping in my tracks.

"Be-because..." he said

"Because what?!" I said looking at him, his eyes wondered trying not to make eyes contact.

"It's just that woman! She wanted you a me I didn't like the look of her and I just want Charlie to have his Mum and you to have your princess back that's all?" He said fidgeting with his hands.

"So... I didn't leave you think I would of moved on that quickly?" I said looking at him.

"Well yeh I mean... She was nice and pretty and... you know? Female?" He said. He started to walk again up to the front door.

"Okay that makes perfect sense?!" I said sarcastically. It blew from my mind, Louis knocked on the door. SHIT!

"What do I say? I mean IM NOT READY?" I said gripping onto Charlie.

Jess opened the door Louis walking straight in, he coughed at the strong sense in the air of alcohol.

As for me?

I cowered away.

"Come on!" Jess said tugging my free arm. Charlie had grip of my fingers. As if his life depended on it. I looked down at him he smiled a little then looked away. I felt safe with my 6 month old son with me.

I walked in. Like a ferrel dog. I saw Olivia sitting on the couch her head was in her arms she was broke!

"Niall? NIALL!! You came back?" She shouted in relief. She had tears filling her eyes. Tears of happiness.

"I didn't come back I'm here to say" I gulped harshly. She took a step back. Louis and Jess both stood up behind her. New tears formed her eyes, theses were broken tears. She looked a state!

"Ferwell... i -I! I need to go!" I said looking at her then turning my back and walking out of the door. She was frozen. Not a single word.

I jumped in my car with Charlie strapped in the back.

"New life Charlie. A fresh start! We're moving to America! The big city. No more mummy here!" I said driving off I got to the little valley. I stopped the car. I put my head on the steering wheel and cried until my heart sanck once again.

"D-d-daddy?" I heared a little voice speak.

I turned my head to see Charlie's little face light up.

"Did you just speak?" I said looking at him confused.

"Daddy!" He said again. I smiled in relief. His first word!

"Yes!!! Your first word!" I said jumping up and down in my car seat. I turned to look at the road.

Where are we heading? Now?

I don't think you can drive to America in a car? NO! Of course you can't
!!!! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid Niall!

Let me think... AHH that number from the pretty lady!! I'll call her. I mean, it's not cheeky She did say if I need any help!

"Back on the road again mate." I said winking at Charlie.

"C-cawr" he said pointing out the window at the cars driving past.

"Yes! Those are cars!" I said I can't believe he is actually talking!
"Only if Oliv- ." never mind!

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