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(Niall's P.O.V)

We arrived at the police station we took a seat and Harry drove home. Niall never showed nerve until today he held my hand tightly, I felt pain seeking through my hand but I didn't say anything. It was about 1 hour me and Niall was waiting. He jumped out of the chair and paced up and down the room biting his nails.

"Niall shhhhh calm." I didn't know what else to say.

"No I can't what if he comes back and hurts you or the baby, then what will we do?" Niall said

"Niall your sweating! Please!" He walked up to me hugging me. He was pale and sweat poured down his forehead. His hands were ice cold.

"Niall Horan?" A police officer called.
Niall held my hand tighter and pulled me towards the room. His hands were shaking like crazy.
The man say opposite us was Jordan.

"So Niall, what do you need to tell us?" The officer asked.

"What do I need to tell you?" He asked almost immediately.

"What Jordan has done the past couple of years." he said holding his head up with his hands.

"He has beet me, and he only done this to take place in my dads business and to take my house and all my money" Niall said in conformance.

"Okay. Is this true?" The officer said looking at Jay.

"Yeh it's true, " he said me and Niall were really shocked.

"A couple of months ago, he went to hit my pregnant girlfriend and he hit me in the gut I was on hospital for a week or 2." He said gripping my hand harshly.

"Niall, I'm going to jail anyway I've got nothing to loose so... I killed your mum and dad. they didn't want you. I wanted their money so it was perfect. Plus I got more money for having you as my 'son'."

"No you didn't! You wouldn't"

"It all for the money. I knew you were scared of me. You showed fear! I took it to beat you. I knew you wouldn't tell anyone. I only got caught because I was saw" by this point I'm sure my hand was purple. Niall was furious he couldn't take it. He pulled me out the room into the hall crying into my shoulder.

"Why- why!!?? What the hell is up with him ! Why ? It's all for the money he never cared for me!" Niall sobbed into my shoulder.

"Don't listen. it's best he said that he'll she locked up for a Loooooonnnnggg time. We don't have to worry in fear that our baby's in danger. Come home."
Me and Niall left the police station. I called a cab.






That night

We sat down and Ate a little bit of food from the other day, the night of my birthday. We sat watching a little bit of TV,family guy came on then we went to bed. Niall wore a long sleeved t-shirt. I didn't bother asking.


That devil cat sat on my head puring. I was on the edge of picking that little devil up and throwing him at the wall, but I really couldn't be bothered moving.

"NIALL OWWWW NIALL!!!" Niall shot up.
"Take me to the hospital, I think it's time!"
Niall sprinted throwing a pear of jeans on. He was still half asleep bless him.

"OWWWWW NIALL AHHHHH." I screamed in pain.

"It's alright hold on we're nearly there" Niall said panicking

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