Prince Charming.

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(Harry's P.O.V)

"Harry" niall called opening his eyes weekly.

"Niall?! Niall you okay???" I said softly

"What are you doing here, wait where's Olivia, what's happened?" Niall said worriedly.

"She's calling an ambulance, it's going to be alright trust me buddy. You've just been hit in the stomach really badly, it's going to be fine don't worry." I said trying to calm him.
His eyes looked heavy he was curled up in pain.

*Blue Flashing Lights*

(Niall's P.O.V)

"He's in here" a little voice directed.

"OLIVIA! Come here" I said weekly. she ran to my side, that's where I needed her most,
"Thankyou for saving me, you've been the best help Thankyou so much bu-."

"NIALL!!" Olivia screamed, crying.
Nialls blacked out.

(Olivia's P.O.V)

"Remain calm! It's going to be alright." the paramedic said to me, holing my sholder.

"What if he isn't!! I need to stay by him!" I said

"Okay" he said pulling him onto a board carrying him down.

"Niall stay with me come on Niall!!! Please, please !!!! I need you" I said crying.

"His heart beat is slowing down!" A paramedic called, going as fast as he could rushing him to the hospital.
I stayed by nialls side.


"Niall" I said crying keeping to his side where he needed me most.
"come on niall please don't give up on me I love you !! I love you! Niall don't go!"

"Niall?!" Harry called. he looked and sounded out of breath.

"His heart is slowing down Harry." I said jumping up into Harry's muscular arms.

"It's going to be alright, don't worry he's strong and he'll get through this I know it." he said holding on to me.

"Harry but what if tho"

*Doors Slam Open*

Loads of nurses rush in. the machine Niall was hooked up to was beeping really fast. me and Harry got pushed out into the waiting room.

"What's happening?" I screamed at the nurse.

"His heart rate has stopped, we are trying our best to maintain it." The nurse said looking into my blood shot eyes.

"Harr-" I said breaking down.

"I know, all we can do is just hope." harry said holding me in his embrace.
"Niall will be wanting you to stay strong."

Hopelessly devoted (Niall Horan fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now