"Dont trust words, Trust actions."

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(Niall's P.O.V)

Oh okay I've got the best surprise for Olivia, so it's her birthday next week and I've had Liam and Jess out shopping for the perfect present. 👌
A ring, but not an engagement ring. it's a promise ring to show that we will be together forever. not as boyfriend and girl friend, but as best friends.

"Thankyou guys !!!! Don't slip up to her! This is surprise. Okay? Su-rpi-se." I said trying to get it into their heads. I'm not read to get a engagement ring yet, were still to young. I got jess to help and she picked the best, most expensive ring! It's a big diamond rose and it's so pretty against the light. she will look amazing with it on. I can't wait. For her birthday I've got a surprise party for her so then, when she is blowing the candles out there will be a a box on the cake. it will have writing on the cake telling her.

"Okay Niall see you at the party." Jess said.

"Remember 4pm no earlier or later. Don't forget!" I just want it to be perfect for her. she deserves more then what she's given .




It's the morning of Olivia's birthday! Omg I can't wait to wake her up and just get her already! I went down to make a full English for her. all the best for my woman.

(Olivia's P.O.V

I was woken up by the smell of full English breakfast. I'm guessing it's mine, considering It's ma birthday. Wonder what Niall has up her sleeve for me?

"Morning beautiful, how you feeling?" My little Irish god has saved me from starving to death

"Morning, is that food I can smell?" I asked, he leaned over trying not to lean on my stomach. he kissed me passionately. What a good morning already only been awake for 5 minuets.

"Get eating! You have a big day babe." he said, his head was pressed against mine and his beautiful blue eyes staired into mine, I looked down.

"Don't look away your beautiful!" He said pulling my head back up with his finger tips.

"Thankyou, now leave me to eat" I said while he went into the bathroom to get a shower I decided to join him.

"Hello again" I said smiling.

"Surprise 1." he said pulling me into the shower wall.

Okay I don't need to go into detail, you know what happened.

"Good present, that's my #1 best ;)" he pulled me in the covers throwing my towel on the floor hugging me.

"You'll like the other one better." he said with a smerk.

"What could be better the sex?" I said with a devilish smile.

"Ohhhh so you want to play it that way then... You went there." he said wrapping his arms around my chest
"Okay now, get up and let's get ready."

"Okay then. I was all comfy there." I said huffing rolling out of the covers.




"Where we going? Niall !? NIALL!!" I said he has his hands over my eyes as we got out of the car.

"Okay now look..." he said letting me see!

He has took me to 5sos back stage "no no I'll cry and scream an-"

"Save it for them." He said pushing me into the double door which reviled the boys.





(Niall's P.O.V)

I enjoyed it more then she did! Wow they are so perfect. I'm like a big fangirl.

"Come for your other present ?" He said

"Why could beat these presents!"

I walked into a pitch black room Niall's ran away... Shit where am I!

"NIALL!! You know I don't like t-"

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!! Everyone jumped out! My dad was here, Niall and the boys and Jess with her daughter Ella.

"Thankyou so much guys." Niall walked up to me and kissed me

"Happy birthday to best daughter on earth and your pregnant ! Congrats !" Dad said to me smiling like a 7 year old

"This is the best day so far!" I screamed, everyone jumped at me and gave me a hug and handed a present that I put to one side.

"Where's my cake?" I said, the lights went off and dim candles wer light.

"Happy birthday to Olivia" oh god I thought as every one sang.

I could just about see what was written on the cake it read

Happy birthday Olivia, would you take this promise ring? This is to show you how much I love you, x
It had a box with the most perfect ring I've ever ! I pulled it on my finger and screeched!

"Niall I love you so much!!!!! I promise to stay with you forever and ever I can't wait till our baby arrives!!" I said hugging him.

Hopelessly devoted (Niall Horan fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now