Be Who You Are... Stand Up For Your Self.

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(Niall's P.O.V)

*2 months later*

Okay, Iv got to give my hands up. I'm so lucky to be alright, up and running again like old times. nothing could be more perfect now. Jay is out of my life I'll be getting my house back and also all the money that's been stole the past 10 years. my life is running smoothly. also Olivia is due to have her baby very soon. Can't wait, I have a feeling that she will be the perfect mother. Oh and I forgot to say... we're having a boy!!! Just trying to think of names...

Going baby shopping today can't wait. Iv also got a surprise up my sleeve for Olivia.

"Ready babe?" I asked pulling my jacket over my arms.

"Yep come on let's go, byeee dad... " She said she closed the door locking it behind her
"god he's still so depressed ever since mother died... makes me upset to see him that way" she said holing my hand walking down the 4 flights of stairs on the way to the car.

"After you" I said, being the gentleman I am.

"Oh Thankyou daddy." she said looking into my eyes.
I can't believe that she is the mother of my son. I wouldn't change it for the world.

We've dropped out of school since I've took over the job Jordan did have, he took over my dads business. I didn't realise how successful it is. it's all mine now bitches!





"What shop first babe?" I said

"Come for a coffee then we can go and have a little look around the children's shops?" She said on her way to Starbucks.

She's the best.

Every where was empty since it was a Wednesday, school day. aha suckers.Were both on our way to get a chocolate cappichino.

"Sooo I've been thinking"

"About?" She said taking a sip of her cappichino.

"Would you maybe considering moving into my old home? It has 4 bedrooms and the master bed room has a bathroom attached? Would you like that?" I said worriedly

She put her cup down throwing her arms around my neck
"It would be perfect!" She said whispering In my ear

"Come on let start at symths toy store shall we ?" I said pulling her out. we were in both good moods today.

*3 1/2 hours later.*

"Okay let's go home enough shopping for today!" I said pulling all the bags into the boot of the car.

"Haha slow down Horan it was your idea!" I just laughed it off.

(Olivia's P.O.V)

This is perfect.
My life.
My boyfriend. &
My house.

"I'll walk down to mine and tell my dad the news that Im moving out... pick me up at half 5? " I said

"Yeh okay I'll see you then?" He said pulling me into a hug.
"Oh by the way Liv?"


"Be careful!!" He said.

"Hehe, will do babe." I said walking away.





*Half 5*


I hear that Niall has pulled up out side of the flats. I came out with a smile and a suitcase full of all my belongings

"Okay let's gooooo." Niall said.

When we got back I went up stairs to put all my clothes away. wow this house is amazing so big! I love it!!!!

"Niall?" I shout, walking into the kitchen.


"What do you want to eat? I can make pizza?" I said

"Okay what ever?" he said plopping his ass on the big cushioned couch in frount of the 70" tv.

I came out with a plate full of pizza.
"Oh Niall."

He has put all the candles shattered all around the living room and put a movie on for the two of us, he's also put rose pettles over the floor . I love this guy!

"Your always full of surprises!" I said jumping next to him.

Hopelessly devoted (Niall Horan fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now