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(Jess' P.O.V)

It was hard trying to get her to open the fucking door for a start, it was freezing out here. I once again knocked on the big old wooden door.

"Olivia, I can see you. I know your in there!?" I said. I could hear her little soft whimpers. She's been crying.
"Please?" I begged, she opened the door and walked back into the living room sloppily throwing her self on the couch crying into the pillow.

The smell was strong, Alcohol! I saw the big empty bottle of vodka on the floor. The top of it was smashed off.

"He's gone!" She whimpered.

"It's alright come here, come to Tommo?" I cooed.

"My baby's gone! And so has N-N" she stopped. She couldn't spit his name out she threw her head on the damp cushion crying.

"I'll go make you a fresh cup of tea." I said stroking the back of her hair. It was messy from where she's been tugging at the roots.

"He thought me and Harry slept with each other!" She said still crying.

I walked back into the living area, she was still crying and she truly looked broken. I've knew her for most of my life... and I've never saw her in this state! Ever!


"Kettles boiled, I'll be right back babe." I said literally running out of the room. She was still abit drunk. She didn't really show that she was drunk.

I slowly walk back into the living room with two hot cup of tea's.
"Drink up!" I said smiling at her. She sniffed hard
"Come on Hora-, Olivia! Drink it? please?" I said softly.

She picked up the hot mug slowly blowing then taking a little sip.

"Want to tell me what happened?" I softly said to her

"He caught me asleep on the couch with Harry because, when you's left he told me that he felt lonely so I let him stay the night. I fell asleep next to him, and he took his top off cos' he was hot and I got accused of cheating! Next thing I know he went with my baby... " she said taking a small breath.

"I've lost him" she whispered.

"No you haven't, have you tried talking to him?" I said holding her close to me.

"I tried like 12 times then he picked up before, an-and said that he never wants me bak after what I did? What did I do?" Se said voice breaking, before I knew it she had her head on my chest crying her eyes out, once again.

(Louis' P.O.V)

"Niall mate please?" I said to him softly.

"Why do we have to go?" He said picking up Charlie placing him on the side of his hip.

"Thank me later, now let's go!" I said.

I pulled his clothes out messily putting them in his little suit case along with Charlie's belongings. I carried the suit case in the living room then my eyes looked up to meet Niall's blood shot ones. A little tear strolled down his pale face. He was looking at a picture of him and Olivia. He brought his bear hand up to his check and wiped the tear away.

"Stay at my place yeh?" I said to him putting my hand on his shoulder.

"Alright, would Charlie be okay to stay with us?" He said.

"He's not a problem, soon you'll have a little mate won't you. A new Tommo into this world!" I said stroking Charlie's back.

"Come on then." Niall said dropping the picture making it smash in the corner.

I pushed Niall out and picked up the picture sneaking it in my jacket.
Niall waited for me out side the door, I held the suit case and left the small stuffy room and went down in the lift. I pulled him close to me and tired to leave the hotel with no trouble.

"HEY!" The woman's voice called, it echoed across the little reception area.

"What now?" I said looking at her up and down with my hands placed on my hips.

"Why do you have to be so mean, I wasn't calling you!" She sad pushing her way past me.
"Here's my number, call me if you need anything okay?" She smiled at Niall her little red lip stick drawed neatly over her plump lips and her pale skin pushing through her face. She pushed her bright ginger hair back behind her ear.

I walked away gazing at her.
"Dike..." I said closing the door.
The cold breeze hit me, the air harshly bit at my numb finger as I tried to pull my keys out.

"Follow behind in your car alright, I'll meet you at mine okay Niall?" I said. I still had hold of his suit case.

I got into the car turning the heating on, throwing the suit case to the back.

I decided to call Jess putting her on loud speaker and placing the phone in the little pit next to me as I pulled out the drive.

"Hello?" She asked worriedly.

"Niall's fine, just a little- broken?" I said voice shaking down the phone.
"How about Liv?" I said biting my finger nails.

"She's broke, she drank a full bottle of vodka and she is just... Broken." She said.

"Niall's staying at ours with Charlie until we can get this sorted okay?" I said using my bottom lip.

"Yep. I'll stay at Liv's place to keep her company. She truly loved Niall with all her heart and she just can't seem to settle with out him! We need to sort this." Jess said.

"Don't I know it!" I said

"I've got to go okay? Bye babe. miss you love you ! "

"Bye love you Jess+ one thing... be careful".i said putting the phone down.

I stopped for more petrol. Niall followed behind. He got out and walked over to me. He was so depressed.

"Come on I'll leave this I've got half a tank! I need to get you back home Niall!" I said jumping back into my small scruffy little car.




Niall was staying at mine so I had to get the spear room ship shape... (sigh) Effort.

Niall's seemed to calm down now he just sat down stairs with Charlie, playing about with him while he sat on his knee. He laughed while Niall made little cute silly faces.

"Allll done!" I said clapping my hands at my achievement.

"Good!" He said, he gulped harshly.
"I'll put the little dude to bed hu? We've had a great craic today! Haven't we Charlie!!" He said kissing his stomach.

"Don't rush your self!" I said throwing my body in the comfy fluffy couch.



Niall came back down, he looked even more broken. I feel sorry for him.

"Why don't you go ove-"

"No! I don't want to see her! I don't want to!" He said cutting me off.

Okay then.

"Please? for my future baby?" I said with a little sad face, I looked like a 7 year old who couldn't get any sweets at the shops.

"Fine!... Don't expect me to be nice!" He said harshly.

"Will the kid be okay here?" I said looking into his blue and red blood shit eyes.

"I'll get him and wake him up... again!" He spat.




We were out side Olivia's. Right this isn't going to be easy...

"Ready mate?" I said pulling the keys out of the engine

"Nope." he said opening the door, placing Charlie back on his hip.

Hopelessly devoted (Niall Horan fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now