The Wait...

18 1 0

(Niall's P.O.V)

"Olivia!" I squiled.

"Niall!" She said crying.

"Why you here?" I said looking at her crazy.

"To get my Niall and My baby back!" She said trying to open the door, the doors were locked and they had child lock on the back ones.
"Open the door we need to speak!" She said pulling the car handle viciously.

"No! I don't want to!" I said crossing my arms across my chest.

"Niall! Please we need to sort this out for Charlie's sake!" She said. she turned her head to look at the car pulling up behind her.

"Niall?" It's Lucy she got out the car! Shit I forgot I called her.

"Shit! Olivia I-I can explain!!" I said opening the door again!

"Who the fuck is this?" Lucy said looking at my princess up and down.

"Don't explain anything Niall! Niall James Horan, I-I hate you!!!" Olivia said walking away crying. she got into the car and drove away. I sat there and put my head on the steering wheel.

"I had one chance and I blew it!" I said crying into the wheel.

"Daddy!" Charlie shouted.

"Come on babe... I'll help you!" Lucy said to me opening my door.

"I don't want your help i want my princess back!" I said I walked over to where her car was... Her- her ring was there... on the floor. both of them!

"I can't live like this!!!" I said kneeling onto the floor.

"My princess has gone...."

Hopelessly devoted (Niall Horan fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now