Not My Problem...

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(Louis's P.O.V)

I rushed down the motor way nearly crashing about 4 times! I was so worried abut Niall he's a strong lad. Nothing ever hurt him...But this.

What if?

I hate that word! What If I find him OD on the floor?? What if? ... I couldn't bring my self to reality! I was just worrying about Niall!

I got to the end of the motor way looking all over the place for a little hotel. BINGO! There it is. I ran in. parking the car up messily, Bearly closing the door behind me.

"Have you seen a small little Irish bloke? Blonde an-" I said out of breath.

"Room 43, Hes been crying, I tried helping bu-" she was cut off my me running up the stairs to get to Niall. Scruffy little building I thought brushing the dust off my fingers into my plain black jeans...

"There room 43!!!!" I said out loud!

I opened the door to see Niall lying there... SHIT!!

"Niall!!! Niall?" I said worriedly! His eyes were pink and his cheeks were red and puffy, he's been crying.

"L-Louis !!!" He cheered.
"Ahhhh my face." he said. he looked confused.

"It's alright buddy! I'll pick you up onto the couch just talk to me? What happened with you and Olivia this morning?" I said looking into his red blood shot eyes. His lips were covered in blood where he's been anxiously biting them.

"She's gone!" He spat out, voice Cracking.

"Bud! It's alright tell me what happened? You alright? What did you take?" I said worriedly.

"I didn't take anything! I caught her asleep on my couch in MY house with Harry!!!! He had his top off and he was pulled up real close to her! WHY WOULD SHE DO THAT TO ME!!!! w h y ?" His voice cracked... He cried again. His eyes even more red and tears dripping down to his damp t-shirt.

"Bud! It's alright stay strong!" I said holding him into my chest, I could feel his warm tears soaking my shirt already. He wrapped his arms around my chest .

"Why? Why would they do that to me?" He said, he clenched his fists and tabbed to the back of my tshirt.

"Shhhh it's alright." I said pulling my hand to the back of his head for comfort.

I stood up pulling him with me. I took him to the closest bed room tucking him into the bed. He had his eyes closed tightly.

I went into the other room to see Charlie. He looked unsettled, I took him out of bed and pulled him to my hip and walking into the kitchen.

I made him warm milk and some baby food from Niall's jacket. I fed him up and put him back into bed and went into Niall. He was asleep. I saw his car keys and went down to his car seeing that he had no suit cases in the hotel room.

"Is he alright?" The woman said.

"Yeh just a heart break..." I said walking away.

"Oh?" She said I looked back she had a davilish smile on her lips. I don't like the look of her...

I got to Niall's car going into the boot and pulling out his suit case. I returned back into the lobby of the hotel.

That woman stared at me, I could feel her eyes burn into my scalp.

"Do you have a problem?" I said looking to her.

"No- no problem?" She said

"I don't like you..." I walked away, again... I am known as the sasmaster.

I walked back into the hotel and pulled his suitcase open. I hung his clothes in the wardrobe along with Charlie's things in the drawer next to the wardrobe. I put Charlie's toys on the floor in the living area. and put his suit case to the back of the wardrobe.
"Hummmm maybe I should call Jess to see how she's getting on with Liv." I said to my self softly, pulling my phone out.

The door knob twisted in the hotel I froze for a moment. Slowly putting my phone down on the little wooden coffee table.

"Who's there?" I said... the door stopped. I walked over opening it looking up and down the stuffy corridor.

No one...

I walked fully inside again and locked the door behind me.

"Niall we need to go now!" I said to sleepy Niall.


"Your in danger we need to go now!" I said.

"Why?" I'll explain later.

I knew exactly who it was... And I needed to draw Niall away. NOW.

(Jess' P.O.V)

After Louis left to get Niall I took his word to go and check on Olivia. She will be more broken then him, He walked out on her! I'm dreading this, I don't know what to expect.

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