please read this before reading the book

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Hi guys!

So I wanna write this chapter to let yall know something about this book.

This is a god awful book.

I wrote this in 2015. It was my first completed story and I winged it the entire time. Like I, the author, had no idea who the killer was until the end because I didn't plan shit.

I know this book is bad, but unlike Make Me Love You, I have kept it up.

I have grown as a writer, even though I barely write anymore. But sometimes I like to look back on my old work and laugh.

And honestly, its okay if you make fun of this book. We can make fun of it together.

One day I hope to rewrite it. Not sure when or if I ever will, but we will see.

If you enjoy/ed this book, good for you. I love you for reading.

If you wanna read / reread for a laugh, go ahead. Like I said, I'll join in bashing my old work lol.

Anyway, thank you all. Love ya ❤

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