Chapter 1

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You have been around him as long as you can remember. The infamous Tommy Shelby. He never particularly paid attention to you but you knew who he was – in fact everyone did... A long time has passed since you sat in the same classroom, waiting for the school bell to ring so you can run and play with your friends. Tommy was such a happy boy from what you could remember so the person standing in front of you had you perplexed.. With a constant poker face, you could see and hear him always thinking, always one step ahead of everyone.

To be honest, you had a crush on him since you were kids, secretly looking at him and his piercing blue eyes. Ever since the war you could see he changed, but who didn't? The war changed us all. Like the old times you went to the Garrison for a glass of whiskey, in hopes that Tommy notices you. You were always so shy to come up to the peaky boys and girls never hesitated to get closer to Shelby brothers. You went in, wearing a deep blue skirt with a white shirt on, nothing fancy. The Garrison smelled of cigarettes and beer, sweaty working men and lustful women. You sat in the corner of the bar, ordered a glass of whiskey and lit a cigarette. Through the smoke you could see Tommy and his brothers come in. Your gaze was focused on him, in hopes he looks your way, but you knew his eyes were on another – the bartender Grace. She was a pretty blonde girl, who had a certain aura of class around her you couldn't exactly explain, but were certain that Tommy saw too. She smiled at him as he ordered a bottle of whiskey, stood at the bar and faced you. Oh, how could you not look at him -- he looked effortlessly handsome in his tailored suit. Suddenly his eyes wandered off to you as he looked at you with a frown, like he was trying to figure out who you were. You looked away and at your glass of whiskey, fiddling with your fingers and trying to hide your blushing cheeks. You could see a silluette approaching your table and feel your heart racing.

„ Do I know you? " a familiar voice said as you looked up to find Tommy Shelby stood in front of you.
„ Maybe?" you sputted out. „ We went to school together, same class.", you said trying to hold eye contact so that he doesn't realize how sweaty your palms were.
„ Oh yeah. I thought you looked familiar... Sorry, I forgot your name. Was it (Y/N)?" he said, wondering.
„ Yes, (Y/N) (Y/L/N)." You said with a smile, happy that he actually remembered you.
„ Almost didn't recognize you, you look good.", he said with a smirk and continued: „Certainly ain't the little girl with a book glued to her hands anymore."
You could feel your skin glowing red at his compliment and remark, you couldn't even say anything except a shy thank you. Grace called him over and he gestured with his hand that he will come shortly. „ I have to go now. See you around (Y/N)." Tommy said and gave you almost a smile.

You couldn't believe it: Tommy Shelby talked to you. After all those years you caught his eye. You sat happily, met some girlfriends and drank till late in the night.

The next day all you could think is the „see you around" Tommy said. Walking the street of Watery Lane back to your apartment from work, it started raining but you couldn't be bothered to run from it. You always liked the feel of rain on your skin, so pure and clean. At this point your skin was soaking wet, your undergarments could be seen through your white dress. All of a sudden you could see Tommy. He looked sad, he walked slow and gave you a look which made you stop smiling cause you could feel the pain in his eyes. He was dripping wet and headed to the Garrison. You ran towards him and laid a hand on his shoulder lovingly.

„ Are you okay? You don't look okay..." You said.
Tommy just looked at you up and down noticing how see trough your dress was at this point. You felt self-conscious as he checked you out and crossed your arms in an attempt to cover yourself up.

„ You should get out of the rain." He said and left in a hurry.

As he left you wondered what the hell was that. 

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