Chapter 18

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Grace died that night, in Tommy's arms. Everything felt surreal as you repeated the scene in your head over and over again. Tommy shut everyone out for a few weeks after, you only saw him briefly at the funeral, but he couldn't stay for the whole ceremony as you could see he was even more broken than before. One day you decided to go check up on him and Charlie. You borrowed a car from your sister and as you approached the address all you could say was 'That bastard, he did it!'. It was the house he showed you on your first date, the one he said that he will some day live in. You knocked on the door, a maid opening the door for you.

„Yes, madam? Who will I say has come?" she said.

„(Y/N)." You said sweetly and entered the house into the lobby as she went into the drawing room to fetch Tommy.

You could hear a faint 'Mr. Shelby, miss (Y/N) is here. Should she come in?' to what there was no response and the maid came back.

„I'm sorry miss, Mr. Shelby doesn't want company." She said in a sad tone.

„Oh. I know." You said and went towards the drawing room where Tommy sat at the large wooden desk, holding his face in his hands and you could notice a half empty bottle of whiskey beside him, as well as an ashtray filled with cigarette buds.

„Tommy..." you said quietly while walking towards him, so carefully like one would approach a deer.

„(Y/N). I can't talk right now. I'm busy." Tommy snapped at you, hoping you would take the hint and leave. You took the whiskey from his desk and found a glass to pour yourself a drink. Tommy followed your every move, annoyed you didn't listen, as you sat down in a chair in front of him.

„Thomas. You can't keep this up." You said gesturing to the whiskey and smoke surrounding him. „Grace surely wouldn't have liked to see you like this." You said carefully.

„WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU KNOW WHAT GRACE LIKED, EH?!" Tommy raised his voice, slamming his fists on the desk, not really to your surprise, but you didn't even flinch as you got up and took a cigarette out of his silver cigarette case and lit it.

„I know she loved you. I know you love her. Think about Charlie, Tommy." you tried calming him down, getting him to think about his son's well being in this situation. Thomas went really quiet and downed his whiskey.

„Why did you come here? Huh?" he asked with a raised eyebrow, genuinely wondering.

„I came here because I care about you." you looked into Tommy's eyes, seeing the broken man behind them.

„Like you cared when you left." Tommy commented snidely talking with a cigarette in his mouth making you roll your eyes.

„Yes, as a matter a fact I did care. I cared about myself then, and I cared about YOU enough to leave. You were the love of my life." You said with a raised voice, irritated at his comment. His face went blank as he took a puff of his cigarette and poured himself another drink.

„I JUST wanted you to be truly happy, Tommy. That's all I wanted, even if it wasn't with me. And if you can't see that, then I really don't know what else to say." Tears formed in your eyes as you pierced through Tommy's blue eyes, your staring and words making him feel uncomfortable.

„Coming here was clearly a mistake. I will leave you to your 'business'." You gestured to his drinking and got up quickly. As you grasped the doorknob Tommy finally spoke.

„Wait. Stay for lunch. You can meet Charlie, if you'd like?" he spoke calmly and quietly, making you turn around and sit back into the chair in front of him.

„I would love nothing else." You spoke in the same tone of voice.

„I have to ask, is this the house?" you said, wondering whether he remembered your date all those years back.

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