Chapter 7

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At one point you woke up, Tommy had fallen into your lap and you rested your head on his back. The rain had stopped and it was the morning. You tried to get out of Tommy's grip without waking him up but he woke up and looked at you. His eyes could melt you with one stare.
„Don't go." Tommy said in his raspy morning voice, hugging you even stronger to prevent you from leaving. You really didn't want to, but as you looked at the clock you knew you had to get to work.
„I have work. I'll be late." You said to what he loosened his hug and let you get up. As you got up you could see him lighting a cigarette, a cloud of smoke now filling the room. You used the sink in his room to remove the smeared mascara underneath your eyes and as you looked in the mirror, you could see the reflection of Tommy as he was looking at you, up and down, following the curve of the dress. He licked and bit his lip unknowingly, a certain thing he did ever so often, thereby making your insides melt. You fidgeted with the ring on your middle finger and turned around, putting your hands on the sink. You looked at him, without saying anything until you found the right words to say.
„Do I look okay? I have no time to go change now." You said, fixing the hem of your dress.
„Beautiful." Tommy said quietly, keeping his eyes on you still. You thought about kissing him then and there but on the other hand it wouldn't be right. The last thing you need is to be the rebound for heartbroken mr. Shelby. You bit your lip and turned around again to look at yourself in the mirror once more before you left. Tommy stood up and walked behind you, placing his hands on your hips and moving them towards your waist. Your eyes closed in pleasure of his touch and neck tilted a bit to the side as you directed his hands with yours upwards toward your breasts. He kissed your neck, you feeling his hot breath, a moment you would never forget. At this point you were confused as to what to do. You have wanted this since you were a teen, but decided the circumstances were pretty bad.
„Tommy." You turned to face him, he still holding your waist. „Tommy, we should stop this." You said with saddness but also determination in your voice. He just looked at you, like he was about to kiss you, getting closer to you and muttering a faint 'why' as he directed his eyes to your lips. You picked up the strength to push him away slightly.
„I have to go." You said as you turned to the door and left without explanation. He stood confused and sad, thinking about the feelings he may have for you after all, or at least how aroused you made him feel.

On your way to work you wondered if you made the right decision. All day that question filled your head until you came back home, only to find Tommy in front of your door.
„What are you doing here?" you asked, surprised at the man standing in front of you. You walked past him to unlock your door so you could go inside.
„Wanted to ask if you would like to go on a date?" Thomas said and continued: „Was planning on asking you earlier but you rushed off." He was now standing very close to you at the entrance of your home, leaning with one hand on the doorframe. You were as confused as ever. Thomas Shelby wants to go on a date with you? He gathered you were a bit taken aback so he just continued with a little smile: „Pick you up at seven. Tonight. Wear something comfortable" Before you even got to say anything he pushed himself from the doorframe and left.

What is happening? Where is he taking you? You rushed to take a bath as it was already half six; and put on an outfit, casual dress and flat boots, whatever 'comfortable' meant. Before leaving you took a swig of whiskey from the bottle to loosen you up a bit as you were almost shaking from nervousness. You could hear a car pulling up in front of the house. As you walked outside, locking the house door, Tommy went to the other side of the car to open the door for you. He was acting like a gentleman so you thanked him and got in the car.
„You look nice." Tommy said checking you out with the corner of his eye as he was driving.
„You don't look too shabby yourself, mr. Shelby." You said, being unable to control your smiling. He smiled at your sentence and looked you in the eye for a second.
„So... Where are we going if I might ask?" You said trying to get the information out of him. He just giggled and said that you will find out soon enough. He was right, few minutes after leaving the city, he stopped at a field opposite a big manor.
„I like to come here. So peaceful and quiet." We came out of the car and took deep breaths. The air was breezy but pleasant, smelled of freshly mowed grass and rain that fell last night. Tommy stood next to you and pointed a finger at the big manor across the field you were standing in.
„You see this house. One day I will have it. And I will have maids, and cooks, horses and hopefully a good woman like you." He now looked at you as he said the last few words. Your face turned red as you heard what he said.
„Good. I hope you get it!" you said trying to break his focus on your red cheeks.
„But that wasn't why I brought you here." He took your hand and started walking towards a small forest at the end of the field. You entered the forest and could hear water running. At the corner of your eye, you could see a little stream flowing freely on the rocks and branches. The sun was just about to set and came faintly through the branches, giving light to the water, but shining down on you as well, the feeling of warmth engulfing you. It was absolutely beautiful and made you smile from ear to ear. You looked at Tommy with a grin on your face, which made him smile just as big.
„I like to come here sometimes. It calms me down. Thought you would appriciate it." He said, holding your hand and guiding you to sit on a big stump, with a small amount of moss on it. He sat on a log beside you.
„I am speechless, Tom. It's beautiful." You said looking around.
„Yes, I agree." He said while looking at you. „But you are more beautiful, (Y/N)."
Suddenly you stopped looking around and your face became serious, looking at his blue orbs. You froze as he came closer to you, so close he could feel the warmth of your now red cheeks. His fingers found their way to your cheek, never breaking eye contact, and now touching your lips with his thumb. You could feel yourself getting heated as you looked at his lips that he now licked. Your lips colided, finally after all those years you were feeling what it was like. He held your cheek as he closed his eyes and passionately kissed you for what seemed like forever. You backed away a bit and looked at him before returning the kiss with the same passion. The sun had almost set but you hadn't realized it, being preoccupied with each other.
„We should get back, Tom." You said, holding his cheek in your hand and caressing it with your thumb. You gave him a little kiss that was interrupted by a smile and headed back to the car. You didn't talk much on the way back but it was a pleasant silence as you sometimes caught each others looks and smiled. 

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