Chapter 8 (SMUT)

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Upon coming back to Small Heath you didn't know how to act, fidgeting with your fingers and nervously bouncing your legs. What will people think? Tommy just looked at your legs and placed a hand on your thigh, which made you look at him. His touch calmed you down, making you want him even more than before. As you came before your house, he stepped out and opened the door for you once again and you took his hand. He pulled you closer, with his arms around your waist and yours around his neck. He placed a gentle kiss on your lips, making you close your eyes and melt in his arms.
„Bye, love." Tommy said leaving you in front of your door. The date went perfect but in your opinion could've ended a bit different. With a little dissappointment on your face you waved goodbye as Tommy left in his car. As you entered the house, you could see a few people giving you looks but you decided to ignore it.

The whole night you tossed and turned in your bed, a smile never leaving your face. Is this real? Is Tommy really into you? You couldn't help but wonder if he was just doing this to you because he needed someone after Grace left. You heard she left for America after Tommy found out about her true identity and she admitted to Polly that she really fell for Tommy. That thought made you a little bit sad, knowing Tommy fell for her as well. After a while you finally fell asleep and woke up to your sisters face in front of your eyes. You screamed in a second, attacking her with a pillow laying next to you.
„Jesus, (Y/N)! It's just me!!" Sarah exclaimed, now holding the pillow you threw at her.
„What the hell Sarah! You nearly gave me a heart attack!" you said with a sharp voice, pulling yourself up in a sitting position on your bed. „How did you get in though?" you continued, putting your hair behind your ears.

„I used the spare keys you gave me, remember?" Sarah said, dangling the keys in front of my face and continued: „Anyway, I came here as soon as I heard about your little rendez-vous with mr. Thomas Shelby, no less."
Your face almost instantly lit up at the mention of his name. You felt like a little schoolgirl crushing on a boy, butterflies in stomach and all.
„Yes... We went on a date yesterday into this beautiful spot outside Birmingham. It was wonderful... And he was so.. off guard? And we kissed. We finally kissed!" you said while playing with a ring on your right hand.
„I'm so happy for you babe! I have some news myself. Arthur and I are moving in together!" Sarah said spreading her arms.
„Oh my God! How?? When? Where?" you leaped into a hug excitedly.
„He bought a house and we're decorating now... Actually I'm decorating now, but soon enough we will move in and you could come visit." Sarah said and followed: „I'm surprised Tommy didn't tell you. Guess he wanted me to do it!"
Yeah, you already thought about it but it was better for your sister to tell you that. And he actually kept a lot of things to himself, but you thought maybe through time he will loosen up a bit and feel comfortable enough to tell you things... Right? Your sister and you went out to the Garrison for a glass of something to drink to your sister's new accommodation.
„Soon enough it will be you and Tommy moving in together, I tell ya!" Sarah said through laughter while Tommy snuck up behind me.
„What are you girls laughing about?" Tommy said with a cigarette between his lips.
Neither you or Sarah answered him but he looked at you and said: „Can I see you tonight? I'll come by your house at around 7"
You nodded with a sweet look on your face but your eyes burned with desire for Tommy as he stopped to look at you for a bit too long before he left you girls to have fun.

Later you walked home with your sister, hand in hand, walking through Watery Lane a bit tipsy, laughing at full volume. You came home and hugged your sister goodbye as you took your heels off. You started to undress in the hallway as you heard someone knocking on your door. It was your ex boyfriend James. Your eyes widened in shock at the sight. You tried to cover up as you realized you opened the door half naked, but then slammed the door in his face before hearing him say anything.
„Hello? (Y/N), I just came to talk. I miss you." James said knocking on the door again. He misses you. Well who the fuck cares?! He's the one who constantly cheated on you with some whores because you were, in his opinion, a prude.
„Fuck you James!" you shouted through the door and then opened it to shout another 'fuck you' in his face before slamming it again in his face.
„Okay, I deserve that but I'm not moving until you let me in." He said confidently.
What the fuck was happening right now, when Tommy was supposed to come.
You took a moment to analize the situation and get dressed but decided to open the door swiftly and let him in.
„What do you want James? What could you possibly want from me now?" you said in an annoyed tone with your arms crossed in front of you.
„I want to talk. I want a second chance. I want you." James said while coming onto you strongly. You pushed him away firmly.
„So talk. And I might listen." You said still holding your hand on his chest since you pushed him away to keep him at a distance.
„I want you (Y/N). I was a fool, I didn't know what I had until I fucked it up. I know I made a mistake, those girls didn't mean anything to me. They were just whores. I love you and I never stopped."
With every word that left his lips you felt more and more sick to your stomach. Before you could say anything, a knock interrupted you. Tommy. You answered the door right away, trying to hide James behind the door.
„Hello (Y/N). I heard voices, are you with someone?" Tommy said, while trying to come inside looking around the hallway.
„No, no just me." You lied, not wanting Tommy to even know about this low life you call your ex. James now popped up from behind the door and looked at confused Tommy, cockily giving him a hand.
„I wouldn't exactly agree... I'm James." James said while looking Tommy deep into his eyes while continuing: „And you are?"
Tommy smirked at his question while dominantly shaking his hand and leaning in closer to his face never breaking eye contact: „I'm Thomas Shelby. You ought to remember that."
James now smirked and looked at you: „So this is your type now? Wannabe gangster? I thought you were smarter than that." He now directed his eyes at Tommy and spoke directly to him: „Good luck getting a fuck out of this one, fucking crazy woman." At that point James insulted you and Tommy, which made Tommy take his hat off and hold the razors in his cap close to James's throat while grabbing his shirt's collar with the other hand. You panicked and didn't know what to do so you just yelled at James to leave and at Tommy to stop. James had fear in his eyes as he left without saying anything, and Tommy looked properly frustrated as he looked at you waiting for an explanation.
„It's my ex. Why did you let him get to you?" you said coming closer to Tommy.
„Why the fuck would you lie about him being here?" Tommy asked, and with every right. You now realized you didn't have to lie, but you did just to prevent something like this from happening. James was a pretty dominant type himself and he always stood his grounds. The way he talked about you made you sad and Tommy could now see it on your face. You sat on the staircase and Tommy followed.
„He has no right talking about you like that." Tommy said, coming closer to you and caressing your cheek. You looked up at him with guilt and sadness in your eyes.
„I'm sorry, I just didn't want trouble, that's all." You said, lowering your chin and continued: „He cheated on me multiple times because at the time when we were together I wouldn't sleep with him right away. He was my first love, I really fucking loved him and was a blind fool. But the past is the past. I really didn't know he was coming here."
Tommy just caressed your cheek and listened to you speak. He looked different, gentle and somewhat melancholic. He then proceeded to tell you about Greta Jurossi, a girl he loved before France. You remembered her from school, when you were little. A beautiful dark haired girl with a glistening smile. You could see the anxiousness in Tommy as he lit up a cigarette to calm himself down. His eyes seemed almost like he was on the verge of tears but still kept it together. You looked into his eyes, placed a hand on his cheek and kissed his lips gently. He kissed you back with the same gentle touch but then proceeded to kiss you a bit more passionately then before. You exchanged this steamy kiss and got up without breaking the kiss. He then lifted you as you crossed your legs behind his back and put your arms around his neck, lightly brushing his hair through your fingers. He just stopped to look at you for a second and continued on kissing you, now kissing your neck which in return made you let out a little moan. His pace quickened as he entered your bedroom, placing you on the bed on your back. He started to unbutton his shirt and removed it quickly while you did the same with your dress and underwear, leaving you in just your stockings held by black garters. He got on his knees and moved you closer to him holding you by your waist. You moaned at his touch, making you all wet and hot. He started to kiss your inner thigh from your knee up to the garter that you were wearing causing you to spread your legs in anticipation. He looked into your eyes as he took your garters and stockings off painfully slow, making you get chills all over your body. He then got up and removed his pants, revealing his length before coming back down on his knees and licking your wetness. You moaned very loudly at the circles he was tracing with his tongue and dug your fingers into the bed covers beside you as he massaged your breasts with both of his hands. You were so wet for him, no man ever did this to you. He looked up at you as you arched your back in pleasure, positioning yourself on his face. You were so close to your high as he mumbled 'so wet for me' while looking you in the eyes. He got up and was now above you as you grabbed his length with your hands and started rubbing your clit with the tip. He moaned at the sensation and quickly took over and put his member inside of you. As he entered you, you could feel your walls stretching, and felt some pain but it felt nice. He leaned into you, now melting your bodies together, kissing your neck while thrusting at a slow pace. You wrapped your legs around him to feel him deeper and let out moans as he picked up the pace. Your bodies moved in unison as he picked you up into a sitting position which made you reach your high in a matter of seconds. You could feel your walls clenching as you let out a 'don't stop' while tilting your head back. Tommy only started thrusting even harder at your whisper and was coming to his end. You both moaned while Tommy pulled you even closer to his chest, sloppily kissing you. As you came you let out a loud moan and dug your fingernails into Tommy's back which made him even more eager as he started thrusting until he came into you. You could feel his warm load fill you and you stayed in each other's arms kissing for the next few minutes. You fell into the bed, Tommy laying on his back and you in his arms. He kissed you on the tip of your nose which made you smile sweetly and kiss him gently.
„You're my girl, you know that?" Tommy whispered while looking at you and removing a strand of hair away from your face.
„I'm your girl." You said happily, closing your eyes and falling asleep in his arms. 

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