I'm Pinker Than You: Regina George X Fem Reader

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Dedicated to: the_apex_predator
Word Count: 2147
Warning: Abuse
Premise: You're a shy girl who hates PDA. However, your girlfriend just loves to make her feelings for you known.

You hurried your way through the hallways of North Shore High School. Busy. It's always busy. There was always that one couple stood smack in the middle of the hallway making out. The very sight bothered you. If you're going to kiss...can you at least not do it in the way of everyone?

Still, you supposed this made you a hypocrite. Ever since you started dating the queen bee of the school, Regina George, you've been in similar situations everyday. You finally reached your locker and found the queen herself waiting for you. Your stomach immediately broke into a fit of flutters.

"Hi Regina." You smiled gently. The blonde looked over to you but not with judgement, more like she was admiring.

"Hey." She said simply. Looking her over, you realized that was all she was gonna give you. Just a simple 'hey'. With that, you opened your locker fumbling with a textbook. As your back was turned you felt two arms wrap around your waist and pull you closer. By the sweet smell of her perfume, you knew it was none other than your girlfriend. You felt your entire face burn red.

"What's wrong, cupcake?" Regina whispered in your ear making your back curl with every touch.

"R-Regina?" You squeaked out. "Y-You know how I feel about doing stuff like this in p-public."

"I know, but it's so unfair! You're just to damn sexy for me not to!" Regina whined pulling you closer to her despite your wishes against it. Your heart was beating out of your chest as you couldn't help but notice the bystanders watching.

You knew no one would dare bother you two, but still, there was something extremely embarrassing about being openly affectionate in public. Regina on the other hand didn't seem worried in the slightest. You quickly gathered what you needed from your locker.

"Okay...I'll see you at lunch. I'm off to class." You said giving Regina was smile. It's not that you were embarrassed by her. You had actually had a crush on her for years and it was just some wild chance that Regina was actually into girls too.

The blonde returned the smile. But of course, a simple smile wasn't enough for her to depart from her girlfriend for a whole period of the day. Regina planted a kiss right on your lips and giggled as your face turned beat red.

"God, you're so adorable." Regina giggled as you hurried away to your next class with a small smile of admiration. Then you reached your class... calculus. You weren't exactly....great at it. Hell, you were actually pretty trash at it. But, you were making your way through thanks to your best friend.

"Psssttt. Cady." You whispered to the redhead in front of you. She always knew the solutions. She was the soul reason you were doing somewhat okay in the class.

Cady turned around with a knowingly smile on her face. "The answer is -10." Cady stated like it was obvious. You couldn't help but chuckle at her.

"Not everyone is as amazing at math as you are, Cady Heron." You giggled. The redhead playfully rolled her eyes at you.

"So...how are you and Regina?" Cady whispered back as she mindlessly scribbled down the correct solutions.

"We're good." You smiled feeling your face once again flush red. Every time her name is brought up, without fail, you flush like a love sick fool. Though you knew out of all your friends, Cady would be the one who wouldn't mock you. Especially because her and Aaron have been getting really friendly recently.

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