Are We Crashing?! : Regina George x Reader

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Requested by: itsLarryGal
Word Count: 2102
Warning: None that I'm aware of....
Premise: You have aerophobia (the fear of flying). You and Regina had planned a trip to the west coast...except there's one problem. You have to fly to get there.

You looked through the closet you shared with your fiancé intently. There was an assortment of clothing inside belonging to both of you. However, it wasn't to difficult to figure whose was whose. It was almost like a perfectly organized rainbow, your lover's side having an array of colored clothing, then somewhere in the middle it shifts into darker shades onto your side.

"Darling, have to finished packing yet?" Regina asked poking her head in from your shared bathroom.

"Hm? Oh...not yet." You murmured gently running a finger tip along the articles of clothing looking for something specific.

"Are you still looking for that hoodie? Honey, we're going to the summer. I really don't think you're going to need it. Now, the flight takes off in a few hours. It's gonna be a tight schedule as it is if we plan to grab food know how I feel about airline food." Regina went on whilst continuing her previous action of toping off her makeup.

Though your fiancé continued her good natured lecture, you hadn't been listening. The only thing you cared about in that moment was finding that hoodie. Regina's voice in the background became just that...background noise.

"Are you even listening to me?" She asked, making sure it was said directly into your ear.

"Ah! Yeah, yeah, of course I am. I'm just—"

"Looking for that hoodie."

"Yeah. Look, it's important, okay?" You explained. "I want to take it with us."

"Why are you so set on finding it? It's just a hoodie, babe. We can get another one while we're there." Regina asked rubbing circles into your shoulders in an attempt to calm you.

"I don't want another one. I want that one." You heard your voice growing with intensity despite not meaning for it. "Gina, I need to find that hoodie. Have you seen it at all?"

The blonde squinted her eyes in thought. "Not since we had that movie night—"

"On the patio! That's right!" Pressing a kiss to Regina's cheek quickly, you slipped out of the bedroom and downstairs to the patio where your (F/C) hoodie lay draped against the back of a chair. Relief gripped your body. You couldn't imagine having to endure the travel part of this vacation without it.

As you entered the bedroom once again, you stuffed the prized hoodie in your duffle bag before lifting it onto your shoulder. Regina, one hand on her hip eyed you suspiciously. Even for you, that was strange behavior.

"Well...we ready? We've got a tight schedule, remember?" You smiled goofily knowing just how to make her laugh.

Shrugging, Regina gathered a few extra small things before you managed to get her in the vehicle.

"You know, you were the one worried about being late." You commented glancing to her in the passengers seat shifting through her purse for the seemingly one hundredth time to be sure she had everything.

"We are late." Regina grumbled never looking up. "We're gonna barely make the flight at this rate."

Deciding not to argue, you began to pull out of the driveway. It hadn't entirely sunk in yet, the fact you were about to be on a plane. As a child you had traveled a lot on planes and every time you were gripped with the same terror. You had been told by adults you would outgrow it. However, at age 25, you still hadn't outgrown it.

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