When Are You Going To See You The Way I See You: Regina George x Cady Heron

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Requested by: No one. I just ship them so much so I had to write a one shot for them.
Word count: 1468
Warning: Self image
Premise: Regina has been struggling with self image for way to long. Cady wants to put an end to it.

By the way, I suggest reading the photo..if you want a laugh. ^^^

Regina was putting away the last bit of her makeup. Her vanity drawers did a good job at keeping everything in one place. While preoccupied with that, she heard her phone *ding*, indicating a text. Looking at it, brought a light smile to her lipgloss covered lips.

🦁Cady-Cat🦁: Hey honey, I'm here

She instantly responded with:

❤️Gina❤️: Okay, I'll be right out.

Regina tucked her phone in her purse and proceeded out of her house to find Cady standing at her door. Upon seeing her, Regina's heart fluttered in a way it never had with any boy. Her red auburn hair with sparkling blue eyes always made the blonde forget her own name.

"Hey..." Cady smiled resting herself against her new car. The one her parents gifted her after Regina taught her how to drive.

"Hey Cady-Cat, ready to go?" The blonde asked shuffling, for once, to the passengers side. Excited, Cady nodded and jumped into her drivers seat.

"Seatbelt, please!" Cady smiled to her girlfriend. After having experienced an accident herself, Cady is a stickler for road laws. It drives Regina crazy sometimes, no pun intended.

With a sigh, the blonde whipped the belt across herself and clicked it into place.

"Here, I assume you want this?" Cady inquired, offering her AUX cord. She knew better than anyone, Regina loves her music. Even if it wasn't exactly Cady's favorite, she still loved to see her girlfriend at ease for once, and if that means she has to listen to "The Backstreet Boys", "Beyoncé", or "Britney Spears", then so be it.

Without another word, Regina accepted the invitation and let the car be invaded with the uppity tune of "Run the World" by Beyoncé. Cady playfully rolled her eyes at the blonde.

"What? It's a good song!" Regina defended, "Do I need to sing to prove it? Who run the world? Girls!"

Cady laughed lovingly. She loved when Regina sang, even if she was goofily doing so. Any song could be made perfect as soon as Regina sings it.

"What songs do you like anyway?" The blonde questioned suddenly. "We always listen to what I want...but what do you listen to?"

Cady giggled sheepishly. "My playlist is on my phone..."

Curious, Regina plugs her girlfriend's phone in and starts scrolling through her playlist.

"How did I not see this one coming?" She asked sarcastically. It wasn't long until:

"It's gonna take a lot to drag me away from you. There's nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do. I bless the rains down in Africa..."

Cady bursted out laughing, "What?! It's a good song! Just like you said!" After receiving a playful glare, Cady rose her hands in surrender. "We don't have to listen to my music. You're the one who asked about it."

"I didn't say I didn't like it." Regina shrugged, "I was just saying you're adorably predictable, Cady Heron."

So the music stayed put, filling the car with an assortment of uppity, depressing and even sometimes scary tunes.

"The music on your playlist changes genres more often than I think about cheese fries...and that's saying something." Regina giggled

"Oh! Speaking of cheese fries...how about we go get some? They actually sound good right now." The redhead noted turning the car to head towards a local cafe where cheese fries are famously made. "Scooters has the best fries!"

Regina found herself shyly playing with her fingers, as if she was holding her tongue. "Um..yeah, sounds great." She mumbled.

The mood in the car seemed to do a complete 180. Only moments ago, they were bobbing along to Bob Marley's "There Little Birds", and now the songs being used to fill the new silence settling in.

"Okay? Did I say something?" Cady asked suddenly not taking her eyes off the road. This wasn't completely out of the ordinary behavior, but Regina could definitely see how her eyes looked to be burning ahead of her. Like she was trying with all of her power not to make an uncomfortable situation more.

"You didn't say anything..." The blonde muttered continuing to mess with her fingers as if they were a stress toy. "Don't worry about it, Cady."

With a sigh, Cady clenched the steering wheel deciding to listen to her girlfriend and "not worry about it". All she did was ask to get cheese fries, what could've possibly tipped Regina off? This wasn't the girl she's been dating for almost a solid two years now, this is the girl she was in a war with Jr year. Cady didn't like when "plastic" Regina showed her face. It didn't happen often anymore, but no one can change without needing to take time to do so.

Cady has been patient with her, allowing her to make mistakes without criticizing. No matter how rude she could be. But now, Cady knows Regina is capable, and has been capable of not being that girl from so long ago. This is why she's so agitated by the sudden mood shift.

"We'll talk about this later." Cady mumbles just loud enough for Regina to hear.

"Cady, I said not to worry about it! I don't need you fussing over me, okay?! I'm a grown ass woman who can make my own decisions!" Regina snapped digging her nails into her palms.

Cady watched on with wide eyes. Then, shock was replaced by fire. She instantly pulled the car over and faced her girlfriend. "Regina, when we started dating we promised we'd always be honest with one another! We promised we'd care when the other person is hurting! How the hell am I supposed to care when you close yourself off to the world?! How am I supposed to know when you need me?! You may be a grown woman but you aren't acting like one! You're still caught up in high school! Well, news flash Regina, high school is over! Now, I love you more than the world itself, I want to be able to be there for you when you need me, so what are you so afraid of?!"

"I'm afraid you'll leave me!" Regina yelped, than instantly covered her mouth, "I'm afraid you'll think I'm ugly or fat and leave me... That's why...I got nervous when you brought up cheese fries...I've been secretly dieting...for you."

Cady's eyes softened. "Gina, I'm...I'm sorry...but..that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard.."

Regina immediately looked up, tears brimming her eyelids. "What—"

"It's stupid because..you should know me better then that by now." Cady took both of the blonde's hands in her own. "To me...you're beautiful. You're perfect. When I look at you...I don't see anything wrong, or that needs to be fixed. I see the girl I've fallen in love with...I see the strongest woman I've ever met. Regina, when are you gonna see you the way I see you?"

Regina was taken aback. "I-I...I just don't..like what I see when I look in the mirror anymore...I feel so..ugly." The blonde looked through Cady with teary eyes.

"Hey, look at me. Everyone goes through These thoughts. Sometimes...your mind can be toxic. But, and I know this may help next to none...but I still want you to hear it, no one else in this world sees you the way you are saying you look." Cady soothes. She had these feelings for a long time, and they were magnified ten fold once she moved to Chicago. "Remember that one time in the store?" Cady smirks

Regina chuckled through her tears, "I don't think I've ever seen you like that..."

"That guy was full on hitting on you! And continued to even after you told him to go away! So, as your girlfriend, I needed to tell him exactly what I thought about him..."

"And that was that he 'smelled the same way sour milk and rotten meat would smell if they had a baby'?" Regina smirks

"Darn right! And that's only one time out of literal hundreds. You're beautiful, Regina. I know it sometimes might not feel like it, and I won't fault you for feeling this way...but know....you're my everything. Just the way you are."

"Okay, okay, I get it...you're the best girlfriend in the world." Regina grumbled playfully wiping her teary eyes. Then with one more sigh, Regina announces with all the energy she has, "Alright, fine. Cheese fries it is."

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