Positivity, That's The Name of The Game : Kevin G x Reader

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Requested by: APATITE
Word Count: 2159
Warning: None
Premise: As a newcomer to Northshore High who loves math, you couldn't help but feel attraction to a certain Mathlete.

For most students in high school, math probably isn't their favorite subject in the world. You've heard it all before about how it's supposedly difficult, boring, and so on and so forth. However, to you math has acted like a beacon leading you. Math was always there to bring you joy.

Even at a time as terrible as this. Switching schools in your Jr year was definitely unforeseen, and quite frankly....the worst news you had received in a very long time. Despite how heartbroken you were about getting this news, you were never one to mope. In every situation there are positives, you just have to find them. This was a motto you lived by. And this motto was one you had to keep repeating in your head as you walked the hallways of this new school.

This was definitely a big city school. You could tell that from just the mere amount of students that clogged the corridors that seemed to have been constructed just a tad bit to narrow. It was definitely not what you had been used to. However, positivity was the name of the game.

Keep a smile on your face...even when it seemed pointless. You were hoping someone would be generous enough to stop and help you decipher your schedule.....but not shockingly the only looks you were getting were an assortment of eye rolls and scoffs. So...not helpful in the slightest.

You finally decided that waiting for someone else to be a good person was getting you nowhere, so with a sigh you approached a guy dressed in puffy vest, with headphones laying atop his shoulders.

"Hello, can you help me—" You started. It caught you completely off guard when the boy flung around to face you fully.

"Sup! You must be new here!" He exclaimed shoving a hand in your direction to shake. "The names Kevin G, or my homies around here know me as—"

"I just need to know if you can help me find—" You interrupted purely due to you being startled. As you squinted your eyes into the paper the schedule was written on trying to read the teachers name, Kevin stood there awaiting you to finish. "—Ms Norbury's class? It's AP calculus."

"Ho Ho! You must have a strong head on those pretty shoulders! I'm heading that way too."

"Are you...flirting with me?" You dared to ask not sure how I feel. No ones ever been so....forward with you before.

"Depends. Depends on how you wanna look at it." He smirked. "Anyway, you have to like calculus if you're in this class?"

You smiled a little to yourself. "Uh...yeah. I REALLY like math..."

"Well, it just so happens to be your lucky day! You're looking at a member of North Shore's Mathletes! If you're any good...maybe you'd consider joining? We could always use some fresh blood. And maybe some extra funding if we had a female member! Hit me up if you're interested. Here's my card." Kevin explained handing you the card. "I designed that font. Pretty sweet, wouldn't you say?"

"I would say. It's...really cool." You smiled at him. His energy was definitely something special. You had to admit to yourself...you just found the first positive thing about this situation.

"Alright! Here we are! AP calculus!" Kevin lead you inside. The room was honestly how you expected.....a classroom.

"Oh hello, you must be new here! I'm Ms Norbury. Let's see here...your name is (Y/N)(L/N), you're from (Home State/Country). I see your a Jr...very impressive that your taking AP calculus."

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