I Wanna Dance With....You, Maybe?: Damian Hubbard x Reader

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Requested by: MomOfTheYearSteve
Word Count: 2741
Warning: None
Premise: You're Cady's twin brother and you help Damian out by tutoring him. Little does he know...you have a special question for him.

"Negative four!"

"Negative two!"

"The slope is zero!"

"The answer is true!"

"One point of inflection!"

"Twenty nine!"

"Four is the slope of the tangent line!"

The class watched as you and your twin sister went back and forth with answering Ms Norbury's array of equations on the board. It was a fun competition for you two everyday. Or...it used to be. Before Cady got mixed up in the Plastics and left you to the way side. Now she acts dumb...just to get that Aaron Samuels guy to tutor her. It made you sick. All of that...over a guy.

However, against your better judgment...you stayed out of it. If Cady didn't care about your fading relationship as not only twins, but best friends then why should you?

You found your way through the hallways solo trying to pretend you didn't miss the other half of you who would normally be right by your side. Now whenever you look over, you see the empty space where Cady should be.

"(Y/N)! Hey (Y/N), stop walking away from me!" A voice boomed from behind you. Startled, not having a clue who could possibly need you more than anyone else. Then he became visible over the sea of students. Damian. You had gotten to know him and Janis fairly well back when Cady thought you were "cool" enough to be around.

"Damian? I-Is everything okay?"

The taller boy jogged up to you as he panted. "This is why I skip gym...."

You smiled softly at him waiting. Finally, he swallowed his breaths and stood fully up to meet your eyes.

"So? What's up?" You asked wrangling the conversation back on track.

"I need your help. Please?"

"I'm gonna need more information I think." You grinned watching Damian shuffle his feet.

"I'm...not doing great in my math class. Teacher told me I need to study or I'm gonna fail...I know...Ugh, am I right?"

"Well actually...studying is a really good way to—"

"(Y/N), someone like me spending that time studying is like Nicki Minaj singing a country ballad. It doesn't work."

"Okay...so what can I do to help?"

"Tutor me. But not like your sister, who shall not be named, who is getting tutored because she thinks being dumb is a well thought out plan to get her crush to love her. I'm asking you because...I honestly am hopeless and need help. So...what do you say?"

"Well...I...I-I guess."

"Perfect! I'll meet you at the library after school. Farewell my dear confidant." His strut as he walked away left you stunned. Damian asking you for help...was definitely unforeseen. Though, despite how crazy it may seem...if you could help him, why wouldn't you?

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