Trapped In Heaven and Hell Simultaneously: Janis Sarkisian X Regina George

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Requested by: Barrett_Love_Forever
Word Count: 2232
Warning: Strong Language
Premise: Regina and Janis get trapped in the art classroom together

"She's a bitch! I hate her, okay?! Can't we just drop it!" Janis exclaimed throwing her arms up in frustration, a light pink color dusted across her cheeks.

Cady and Damian looked on to her with suspicion. Damian rolled his eyes and held up the sketches Janis did in his hands.

"Oh yeah? Then how do you explain these?" He challenged.

"Okay. Just because I have sketches I've drawn of Regina, doesn't mean I like her!" Janis attempted to defend herself, even if she knew how pointless it was. She didn't want to admit to anyone, not even herself, that she had a crush on Regina George. Especially now that they're both seniors and she's gotten her shit together.

Still, sometimes the past is just to painful to risk repeating. Plus, Janis is aware of how much she had bad mouthed Regina to everyone she knows, it wouldn't look good for her to reveal she actually doesn't hate her much anymore. Or maybe that's just because the blonde makes Janis's gay heart so happy.

"What does it mean then?" Damian questioned with his eyebrows slanted in unconvinced confusion. "Who just randomly draws their, so called, enemy? And...why would you make her so—"

"Look. I'm done talking about this. I don't have feelings for Regina. And I definitely didn't draw her due to any repressed emotions from a long time ago."

Even if Damian and Cady weren't done questioning her, Janis was done answering them. She forced herself to mentally block out the notion of "being in love". It was ridiculous anyway. Janis wasn't the type to fall head over heels for anyone, and she certainly wasn't about to start with the girl who wears Louboutin heels worth more than Janis's own self worth.

School hadn't been easy for Janis lately. Well, it never has been, but it's been even worse the last few months. Sure, the drama has dropped significantly ever since Cady's speech at the dance, and Regina getting the "bitch" knocked out of her by a bus, but these events only allowed Janis more time to focus on her feelings towards Regina growing to the point they were impossible to ignore.

Whenever her thoughts got the best of her, Janis sketches. She sketches what her mind is stuck on...or in this case, who her minds been stuck on. And this is exactly what she was doing the next day at school in art. Regina wasn't usually in her classes the previous years. But for some reason, this year she just couldn't escape her.

"Shit" Janis grumbled trying her hardest to cover her newest sketch as Regina walked by her to take her seat. After allowing herself a sigh of relief, Janis heard a chuckle.

"Caddy, I swear to god." Janis glares at the redhead sitting next to her. Cady just smirked and eyed the pining girl and the Queen Bee seated across the room currently picking at her well manicured nails comfortably.

"I didn't say anything." Cady shrugged

"But you were thinking it! Stop thinking it!" Janis brought her voice down to a whisper as she frantically fought off the red blush settling back in her features.

Cady rose both hands in surrender. "Fine. Fine." She dropped the subject just as Janis had requested she do, but this didn't stop her from keeping a close eye on how much detail her friend was putting into her sketch to make Regina look as beautiful as possible.

"Let her go, Caddy. We've lost her." Damian sighs dramatically dropping a paint brush into watercolor.

For the rest of the day, Janis tried to keep her blushing to a minimum. If she was going to truly prove to her friends that they were wrong, then she has to be strong and emotionless. And she was doing a pretty good job too, that is until the end of the day.

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