The Hottest Model: Janis Sarkisian x Reader (College AU)

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Requested by: Myriad_Nice
Word Count: 1548
Warning: Minor curse words
Premise: You and your roommate get into a late night argument so you leave to the art building on campus to get some peace. Once there you find someone there whose trying to work on painting a portrait.
She asks to paint you.
You say yes.

"Come on, you're being ridiculous!" Your roommate growled back at you. They had once again snuck alcohol into the dorm and got completely hammered while you were out. Now the room is trashed and your roommate has no intention of cleaning it up.

"Seriously! What if someone sees this? We'll both be screwed!" You basically begged. You had worked way to hard to get into this college, you weren't about to lose everything because you had a roommate who doesn't care.

"No ones going to find out! Relax, Y/N. Man, you're being such a spaz tonight!"

"....You did not just say that to me! It's literally almost midnight and our dorm room is a complete and utter disaster! All because of you!....You know what? I need to take a walk!" You exclaimed before shoving on your crocs and hurrying towards the door.

Your roommate just watched you go with a careless expression on their face. To them, you were exaggerating. They didn't understand why it was such a big deal to you.

You didn't take even a moment to slow down as you pushed on through the campus. Your roommate was so insufferable sometimes. Their ignorance always frustrated you. What makes it worse is they have no intention of fixing their behavior....even when proven wrong.

You needed to get away. Especially before you said something you may regret. As angry as they make you, you still had to share a dorm with's best not to make them to upset...your life was already hell paying for the didn't need your roommate actively trying to make you suffer.

It was the time of night where most of everyone was in their assigned dorms. Some were studying, some were partying...and almost no one was actually sleeping yet. You would've been but your plans were changed against your will.

There was always one place you could go to clear your mind. The art building. No one was usually there this late anyway. You would sometimes go there and work on a project just taking in the beautiful silent bliss. Approaching the building, you pushed open the glass doors and hurried inside. The scent of paper, paints and molding clay filled the air. Aromatherapy for artists.

As if it was a second nature, you hurried to pull out a large canvas you had started working on previously. You hummed mindlessly never realizing you weren't as alone as you thought. Another girl, who you hadn't seen before was sitting at an art easel in the corner. She eyed you closely as if to be sure you weren't an axe murderer or something.

Just as you were about to plop down on a stool of your own, you jumped finally seeing the other girl. Unsure of how to respond, you nervously chuckled, "S-Sorry...I didn't see you"

"It's fine." She waved off. She didn't immediately go back to her painting though. She continued to watch you. Due to this, you got the feeling you should at least learn her name. Maybe then she'd have enough information about you to not feel so paranoid in your presence.

"So Uh...I'm (Y/N)....and you are?"


"Oh, nice to meet you, Janis."

"Mmhm.." She nodded absentmindedly and went back to her artwork. You stood there a moment just staring at her waiting for her to speak again. When she didn't, you shrugged and took a seat to do your own thing. A couple minutes had gone by when you heard Janis once again. She grunted as if she was annoyed. Worried you were the reason for her displeasure, you turned to face her.

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