Sorry, You're Stuck With Me: Connor Murphy x Reader (Dear Evan Hansen)

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Requested by: TheRemySanders
Word Count: 1085
Warning: Mention of depression and suicide — Strong Language.
Premise: Connor knows your upset. And he isn't leaving you for anything.

You rolled from your couch feeling as if you had weights chained to your limbs. It had been so hard recently. Everything felt pointless, like you're a hamster running a wheel. Running, and running but not getting anywhere.

You only realized how out of it you were until you rolled from the couch to far, and thumped against the floor.

"Oh shit." You mumbled softly, pulling yourself back onto the couch. Your head felt like it was spinning almost as if you were sitting on a "round about" on a child's playground. It was almost making you sick to your stomach.

"Hey, you okay? I heard something fall." A familiar voice asked coming down the stairs.

"Yeah, I'm fine, Connor. Sorry...just rolled off the couch." You explained holding your tired head in your hands. Connor squinted his eyes immediately knowing it wasn't as simple as that.

"Uh what's really going on." Connor crossed his arms walking to your side. "Rolling off the couch?"

"What? I did! What'd you want from me!" You chuckled partly trying to trick Connor into believing he was just exaggerating. "I'm clumsy, you know that."

"Yeah've been off...recently." Connor said giving you and knowing glance. "Now, out with it. What's wrong?"

You sat there looking up at your boyfriend completely stone faced. The two of you had always vowed to tell each other everything. Especially after you stopped him from doing the unthinkable. That day still haunts you.

However, even if you didn't feel like yourself, doesn't mean you are at that point yet. You were just exhausted, and tired of the same thing everyday. Depression? Maybe. Suicidal? No.

"Con, I'm just tired is all. I'm fine." You gently took his hand. "If something was really wrong, I'd tell you. Don't worry."

Your boyfriend sighed and nodded to himself. "Okay. Don't let me find out you're lying to me. I'll be pissed."

"I know. I know." You chuckled and raised your hands in surrender. "Jeez, you aren't supposed to worry about me this much."

Connor just shrugged. "Sorry, you're stuck with me." From there, Connor sat down next to you on the couch slowly. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer. "No matter what, I'm gonna be here. So...if you have any plans of handling whatever's going on, on your own...just forget it. It's not happening."

You playfully rolled your eyes. Connor could be so overprotective sometimes. It was never like this before his..attempt. After you had saved his life, he started to realize just what you meant to him. He wanted to make sure that you knew how important you were to him. He wasn't ever going to let you forget it.

"I don't plan on it." You whispered quietly laying your aching head on his shoulder. Something about Connor had always made you feel safe. You didn't know why, but you could face your worst fear, but as long as Connor was there with could handle it.

The two of you stayed silent for a long while. It was nice. You didn't have to talk to enjoy each other's company. This was one of those moments. Happy.

"Connor?" You asked breaking the silence. "Why did you ask me out?"

The boy's body instantly tightened. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, what made you pick me...out of everyone?"

Connor seemed to be in thought. Then, a simple smirk appeared on his face. "The question you should be asking me is why wouldn't I ask you out."

You again, playfully rolled your eyes. "Connor, I'm being serious!" You scolded in good fun.

"So was I." Connor stated, this time with a straight face. "Look, you may not see it're the best fucking girl around."

A light shade of pink dusted across your cheeks. However, Connor wasn't done.

"You're cute, actually scratch that, you're fucking hot as hell. You're actually nice, not like some of those fake ass hoes. You're funny, you make me laugh more than anyone else I know. And're just the best human being to ever live. So...there. That's why I asked you out."

You hadn't expected such an answer. It was so genuine. And you knew Connor meant every single word. Knowing that, it made you so happy you could cry.

You beamed a smile and suddenly yanked Connor even closer to you. His eyes widened at the instant movement, clearly not sure how to react. But after a moment, he placed a kiss on the top of your head.

"See. Goddamn perfect." He mumbled

After holding each other for a few minutes, you yawned quietly. Sleep hasn't come easy for you lately and it was starting to catch up with you. You thought it had been discreet enough to not gain any attention from Connor. You were wrong.

Connor, without a word being said, lifted you up bridal style. You latched onto his arms almost in fear of being dropped, then you settled once you knew Connor had a tight hold on you.

"Where are you taking me?" You chuckled

"Bed." Then, Connor's eyes grew big. "That's not what I mean! I mean, you are taking a nap!"

You blushed at the topic, then shook your head. "I can't, Con. I have stuff I need to do."

"Nope. Don't care."




"Tell someone who cares."

You groaned knowing he wasn't going to change your mind. He also wasn't going to let you get away without at least taking a short half an hour nap.

"If I have to nap...can you at least cuddle with me?" You whined as Connor laid you down in bed. The long haired boy thought, then nodded.


As soon as you were comfortable under the covers, you cuddled into Connor's side. You once again, felt that feeling of safety return.

"I love you, Con." You mumbled resting your head on his chest. There was a few moments before his response.

"I love you too, baby."

A small grin couldn't help but appear on your sleepy face. He gently ran his fingers through your hair to relax you. It wasn't long before you closed your eyes and fell asleep in the arms of your favorite person on the planet.

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