The First Snowfall: Cady Heron x Janis Sarkisian

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Requested by: No one. A Christmas gift to you all from me. everyone who ships Cadnis. 🎄HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE 🎄
Word Count: 1944
Musical: Mean Girls
Warning: None
Premise: Its an idea I feel like everyone who writes Mean Girls fanfics have done...but the idea is to adorable not to do. Plus, we can never have to much Cadnis. (Even for me. Even though Cadnis isn't my main ship) BUT basically Cady gets to experience her first snowfall with Janis right by her side to watch her adorableness.

(Side note: this is kinda an AU. Instead of the normal events of Mean Girls, this is set in a universe where Cady and Janis are together by the time Christmas comes around for the first time since Cady's moved to the US.)

It had covered the ground in thick, white, glistening piles. Only the night before warnings were going out on everyone's devices of the threat of a winter storm during the night that may cause traveling dangers, delays, or even bans.

Janis shifted awake under a warm comforter. Laying with her head nuzzled into Janis's chest was her girlfriend. Cady hadn't stirred, even as her snuggle buddy slowly removed herself to head off in her quest of getting ready for the day.

It was unusual for Janis to wake before Cady, however after spending the night before nestled in each other's arms watching traditional Christmas movies such as "Home Alone", "Charlie Brown Christmas", "A Christmas Story" and "The Polar Express" (all movies Cady had missed out on due to her time in Africa), the redhead found a few extra hours of slumber added to her normal amount.

Janis yawned, rubbing the sleep from her eyes to see straight. She had been in search of a clean shirt amongst her piles of laundry when a ding came across her phone indicating a message. Still coming into full consciousness from her sleep, Janis squinted at the bright cell screen having difficulty making out the words for a short moment.

Have you seen the snow?! More importantly...has Cady seen the snow?!

The text from Damian caused Janis to instantly chuckle. The two had been eagerly awaiting it to snow for the first time. Mostly because they knew their dear Cady had only heard about snow....never actually seen it.
This year the cold white mess had taken longer than normal....much to the dismay of the three friends.

However, today was the day. Cady would get to see snow for the very first time....and Janis was beaming with excitement. Even if she herself didn't enjoy the snow, it wasn't about her.

Not yet! She isn't even awake yet! If you hurry, you can make it over before she does!

Three little dots appeared at the bottom of her screen. As she waited her best friends response, Janis finally pulled back the certain to get a good look outside.

"Holy shit...." She mumbled now seeing it hadn't just sprinkled snow flakes all poured. Just as she got her first eye full of the thick blanketed world outside, Damian's text came through.

Wish I could! We're snowed in! No ones going anywhere for a while!

Shaking her head in disbelief, Janis heard a small tired voice speak softly behind her.

"Babe...? What time is it? How long did I sleep in for?"

Cady rubbed her sleepy eyes, and pulled the large comforter blanket around her tighter. Janis could tell by the almost pained expression on her girlfriend's face that she was frozen.

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