With You Around, I'm More Secure Than Fort Knox: Regina George x Reader

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Requested by: reginageorgeswife
Word Count: 1416
Warning: Language
Premise: You and Regina are getting pretty friendly in the hallways recently. The two of you are basically dating. However, there's one person whose not having it. Your ex! But there's no need to worry, Regina won't let them split you two apart...no matter how hard they try.

You shifted around in your locker mindlessly. There it was, another boring, uneventful day. Well..uneventful until one specific person showed up behind you.

"Hey you" She smirked gently resting herself against the wall beside you. "I was starting to think you weren't going to show up."

"Regina! Hi!" You beamed instantaneously smiling brighter at the sight of the beautiful blonde in front of you. You still couldn't believe that she wanted you. Of all people. She wanted you. You weren't officially dating.......yet, but you were definitely getting closer and closer as the days come and go. "What are you doing here? I mean, don't you usually wait for Gretchen and Karen around this time?"

Regina just shrugged indifferently. "Eh, I needed to see a sexy work of art before I started the day. It gets me through."

"Like drugs?" You chirped innocently. You weren't very familiar with drinking or doing drugs. In fact, you've never tried any sort of drug that wasn't prescribed to you and as far as drinking...the most you had was half a strawberry daiquiri on New Years. Regina giggled at your comment,

"What? Where'd did that even come from?"

"Well...you said I get you through the day...so...I'm like a drug. Right?"

"Well, I guess so. Damn, your adorable." She smiled leaning in so you could smell her strawberry shampoo and warm Vanilla sugar lotion. You could've tried to fight the blush on your face but didn't. You wanted her to see it. You wanted her to know you feel so much better when she's around.

You walked into school everyday hoping that would be the day Regina would initiate something. You knew you both wanted it, but there was still a twinge of doubt deep in your brain that told you there's no way a girl like her would ever be with someone like you. So you kept quiet. Everyday.

However, today there was something different about her. The way she looked at you, it's like she wanted to say something but didn't. You hoped the day had finally come.

"Hey, (Y/N)...can I talk to you? It's important." Regina said lowly. She was definitely off as you had guessed. She didn't even have her usual smirk. You knew she was serious.

"Of course, what's up?"

You watched as something within Regina's eyes changed. She went from staring straight in your eyes to looking just over your right shoulder at someone else. Whatever she was looking at seemed to greatly throw her off her game. Which was quite a feat considering who she is.

In a moment, you felt someone else at your side. You didn't even need to look over to know who it was. Your ex. The person who you had tried to escape ever since you broke up. It made it difficult that she went to the same school as you.

"Hey, (Y/N)! How have you been?" She beamed pretending to be innocent. Pretending as if she didn't have alternative plans. She had been watching you and Regina for weeks now. Every time Regina flirts with you...a fire burns in her gut. You were hers not Regina's! Which ironically, is why you two broke up in the first place. She treated you like nothing more than arm candy when it was convenient. She loved the idea of having a girlfriend in public...but as soon as she didn't need you she wanted nothing to do with you. She treated you like you were an object. That you were hers. And even though you've broken up, it seems she still looks at you that way.

"What do you mean how am I?" You asked squinting your eyes in suspicion. You didn't know what she was up to yet...but you knew it wasn't gonna be good. "If you don't mind...Regina and I were talking so...now isn't a good time."

Your ex's eyes instantly narrowed into a burning glare. She shifted her gaze between you and Regina multiple times before speaking again, "O-Of course. But I just wanted to talk to you for a moment. It won't take long, (Y/N)...I promise."

You sighed annoyed. Finally Regina was about to admit her feelings...and you were going to accept...but now your ex is here trying to ruin everything. You weren't about to let her have the satisfaction. She didn't deserve your time, and you knew that..... but there was still a sense of curiosity as you wondered what she could possibly have to say to you after avoiding you for months. "Kay. But can it wait? I'm talking to Regina."

Regina stood there taking in the situation. She narrowed her eyes at the other girl with the same intensity as she was putting out. Regina didn't like what was happening at all. Not only has your ex deliberately come up to try to intervene, but she was making you visibly uncomfortable...which was not going to happen on Regina's watch.

"But it will only take a min—"

"Excuse me...but who are you?" Regina asked sending daggers into the girl like she was made of glass.

"I'm (Y/N)'s ex girlfriend. And who are you?"

Regina chuckled at her thinking she was scaring her. How adorable. "I'm (Y/N)'s current girlfriend."

"What?!" She exclaimed. Even you blinked in surprise at what Regina had said. This was news you. But it was definitely welcome. Hearing Regina refer to herself as your girlfriend...it made your heart throb with warmness. After months of hoping, and waiting for Regina to reveal these feelings to you, there she was doing it in front of your ex-girlfriend in defense of you. She really does care.

"That's right." Regina huffed gently taking you by the hand and connecting your fingers like a perfectly fitting puzzle piece. "You treat (Y/N) like nothing more than garbage. You don't deserve to be with her. You don't deserve to know her at all. So if I ever see you even looking their way again—" Regina dropped her voice to a low menacing tone just to make sure that her point was made. "—I'll make it so the whole school avoids you like the plague...to the point not even dogs will want to smell you. Got it?"

Your ex's eyes widened in shock before she huffed and turned on her heel, leaving you two alone finally. You would've thought Regina would've let go of your hand once your ex-girlfriend left. But she didn't. She kept it in a tight hold.

"Regina—what was..."

"I'm sorry...." Regina mumbled quietly, "I fucked this up, didn't I?" You looked up into her ocean eyes to see little droplets of tears pooling on her eyelids.

"What do you mean? I'm...I'm so happy!" You cheered giving her hand a squeeze. "How could you have messed this up?!"

"I know we aren't dating or anything....I jumped in to fast and backed you in a corner. The truth is... I was about to ask you if you were even interested in me that way...well, interested in me enough to actually wanna date me...but..she came over and started to get in the way...and I got so pissed...I didn't know what else to do..." Regina sniffed trying with all she had to stop the emotions. "I can't lose you, (Y/N). Not to her."

You pulled your hand away from her, which only made her gasp in shock. A tear managed to slip down her cheek. "(Y/N)...."

You looked her in the eyes and sighed, "Regina, I've gotta be honest......it's about fucking time you asked me!"


"I've been waiting MONTHS! I wanted nothing more than to have you say those words to me! I could never be mad! I'm so excited!" You chuckled gently wrapping your arms around her waist and pulling her closer. "Man, with you around...I'm more secure than Fort Knox!"

Regina chuckled through her tears. "You're so adorable."

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