Life is Like a Box of Chocolates, I Never Knew What I Was Gonna Get (Requested)

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Requested by: Michael__Mell
Word Count: 2102
Warning: Minor curse words
Premise: Maddison is Zoe's best friend and Zoe has always gone out of her way to keep Maddison away from Connor. Then one day...she doesn't do to good of a job.

Zoe fixed her hair in the mirror one last time. She was waiting for her best friend to show up as they were going out to see a movie. When the doorbell rang, Zoe hurried to it as fast as she could. However, when she got there she found her friend Maddison talking with Connor, who had draped himself over the stairs railing.

"Leave her alone, Connor" Zoe snapped, "She isn't here for you."

Connor rolled his eyes and stayed silent. Zoe was always like this. She never let him associate with anyone of her friends. It's like she was afraid they would run for the hills once they met him. One thing both of the Murphy siblings didn't seem to notice, was that Maddison's cheeks were blushing a subtle pink color.

She didn't mind talking to Connor. In fact, she rather enjoyed it. But every time they were actually starting a meaningful conversation that was more than just "hello", Zoe would rush in and break it up.

"Let's go, Maddison." Zoe mumbled to her friend pushing past Connor to leave the house. Maddison followed behind immediately, but not before slipping Connor one last small smile.

The boy squinted his eyes not sure if he saw that right. Then, shrugged and headed back into his room, shutting the door immediately behind him.

"Sorry about him, he can be such a jerk sometimes." Zoe mumbled

Maddison glanced up at Zoe from her hands. She had wide eyes, as if she was confused on why Zoe would say something like that about Connor. She was aware of the fact their relationship wasn't good, but Connor had never made her feel bad at all.

"I-It's okay. He was...nice." Maddison said cautiously.

Zoe gripped her arms pretending to have not heard what her friend had said. She had internalized her hatred for Connor, she wouldn't let herself listen to anyone trying to reason against those already existing feelings.

"He's...not nice. You just haven't seen...the real him." Zoe muttered just loud enough for Maddison to hear. Though, Zoe treated it more like a comment made to herself. Maddison never liked to bring up Connor in front of Zoe. Even the slightest mention and her eyes go murky, she holds herself tightly, and the conversation slips into one of somber undertones.

Maddison decided shifting the conversation away from the current one would be best. "So....Oh! I finally got those German chocolates from the school orders! How about this weekend you and I stuff our faces while watching some musical bootlegs on YouTube?"

Zoe face brightened significantly at the idea. She did enjoy chocolate and musicals, especially with her best friend. However, it only took a moment for that split second of happiness to fade in remembrance of the other plans for the weekend her mother volunteered her for.

"You know I would love to, Maddison Mom is making me help move our cousin into his new apartment. It's not like he can't do it himself...but she claims it would be a good chance for her and I to 'bond' or whatever."

"Oh..." Maddison's face dropped in disappointment. ""

"Oh no. Don't be sorry, it's not your fault or anything. But I do demand you leave me some of those chocolates to try, you hear me? Remember last time!" Zoe smirked at the memory of only the year before. Maddison couldn't help but laugh.

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