I Am Filled With Calcu-lust: Cady Heron x Reader

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Word count: 5304
Warning: Strong Language
Premise: You are a girl who is beyond hopeless in your calculus class. And.. you need a tutor.

   I was never amazing at math of any type. I would even admit to being absolute trash. It had taken me years to pass my last class of algebra and if I had it my way, I wouldn't have ever forced myself to endure another math class at all. However, my parents told me taking calculus would look great on my high school record. Therefore, I was taking this class whether I liked it or not.

I could lie and say I had gotten better over the years and that this extraordinarily difficult class was easier than reciting the ABC's, but it's so much worse than I ever thought possible. I sit there feeling more useless than if they got a rock and painted eyes on it. In fact, a rock probably would've been able to contribute more to the conversation.

I had found myself daydreaming, this was something I ultimately ended up doing everyday. I can only attempt to sit there and try to pretend I understand for so long before I start to stop caring. I mean, who likes to feel dumb? Who likes to be graded on that thing that makes them feel dumb? I'm guessing...probably not to many people.

I had one rule for myself in this class, don't bring attention to yourself. Don't even look up and risk making eye contact with anyone—especially the teacher Mrs Norbury. The last thing I needed was her thinking I have any answer I want to share. Because quite frankly, there's more of a chance someone would discover a special species of flying pig before I would ever be able to contribute the correct answer.

Luckily for me, my class was full of incredibly intelligent people. I've had my eye on one person specifically, her name is Cady Heron. We've never really talked, in fact, I highly doubt she even knows I exist. This is mostly due to the fact I sit behind her and I don't think she's ever taken her eyes off the board even once. She's hardcore smart though. She can answer every single question without even a moment to think. I just don't understand how that's even possible.

Still, she fascinates me. Every part of her. Not only her intelligence, but how she brightens up every time Mrs Norbury asks a question. How she scribbles down the problems and solutions before I had even realized I was staring. And more recently I've noticed...how in love she clearly is with Aaron Samuels, the guys who sits in front of her. He asked for an eraser once, and Cady looked as if she could melt right there and then.

I know, I shouldn't be upset...after all, I'm the one whose too terrified to approach her. Every time I see her, I turn into the worlds sneakiest ninja. Now, I'm not a very athletic person, let's get that out-of-the-way right now, however, if I see Cady in the hallway approaching me... my body starts jumping, rolling, bending or whatever other ridiculous motion I need to do to stay out of her sight.

Why can't I just say hi, you ask? Well, why don't you ask yourself the same question next time you're face-to-face with your crush. At some points, I'm sure she could totally see me. It's got to be hard to miss a person literally RUNNING away from you.

I was deep in the void that is my mind when I felt a tap on my arm. I don't have any friends in this class, so this was obviously very startling. When I managed to bring my brain back, I looked over to see the kid sitting next to me pointing towards the front of the room. Standing in front of me, arms folded, eye brows furrowed, was Mrs Norbury.

I was undoubtedly freaked out. Even more so when I realized she had stopped teaching the entire class as she waited for me to notice her. I didn't know if I should say something, or wait until she did.

"(Y/N)(L/N), why don't you answer the question on the board for us?"

Oh dear. Oh no. Oh man. Okay, don't panic. Yet. I scanned the equation on the board hoping that there was some chance I would be able to figure it out. It looked like a different language to me. I found myself scratching fiercely away at the inside of my palm. I knew I was definitely going to have marks later. The skin was becoming raw and sweat broke out onto my forehead. I knew was face was red, I felt tears threatening to pour, but worst of all...the deafening silence in the room only made it abundantly clear that everyone was waiting on me.

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