My Best Customer: Jason Dean x Reader (Heathers)

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Requested by: TheRemySanders
Special thanks: the_apex_predator for the inspiration!
Word Count: 1160
Warning: None
Premise: You work at 7/11, and find yourself involved with a reoccurring customer.

Having to work on a Saturday is definitely not how you envisioned spending your weekend. Especially when you were forced to deal with a long stream of customers who have little to no empathy where your feelings were concerned.

The amount of times you've been called crude names, and just straight up brutally insulted is ridiculous. You weren't getting paid enough for this.

Still, there were highlights of your job. Such as this boy who often came in. He was your age, on the tallish side, dark hair and full of mystery. You watch him come in almost everyday, and everyday he buys multiple slushees.

You watch him from a distance as he pours cup after cup from the slushee machine.  Most days, he doesn't seem bothered by you, despite your staring.

Today however, you glanced over and realized he too was watching you closely. Embarrassed, you pushed your eyes back down to your personal diary where you had kept account of crazy customers, funny occurrences, and even really deep thoughts you would never dare speak out loud.

Your eyes were basically burning into the book hoping whoever this boy was, that he was no longer watching you. Though, you felt his eyes still on you, they weren't straying even a little. This feeling was only intensified ten fold when he approached you. Like a looming tower, making everything near it look small.

"Greetings and salutations." He said lowly. His voice wasn't what you expected, weren't entirely sure what you expected.

"Hello. Can I help you?" You asked letting the work persona hopefully disguise the blush and embarrassment from a few moments ago.

Completely in your own world, you didn't realize the boy's eyes wondering down to the book open on the counter. If you had been all there, you would've dove to cover it. These were thoughts from the very reaches of your subconscious. No one, besides you were supposed to read this. However, the boy didn't bring his eyes up for a while, until he finished the whole page.

"You get a lot of weird customers here it seems. That include me?" He asked smirking slightly.

"W-What...what do you...?"

"The book? In front of you?" The mysterious boy smirked more using his head to point. Instantly, your face flared up with intense embarrassment. Trying to keep it cool. You stumbled to find words to combat the raging embarrassment.

"And who would you be?"

"Jason Dean. Call me JD." He offered a hand. "And you?"


JD leans himself against the counter, "Well, (YN). It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

" wise."

From there, JD turned and proceeded out of the 7/11 leaving you to wonder who exactly is this "Jason Dean". He was so mysterious, but oddly kind.

Glancing down and reading your diary, that didn't make you feel very good. But, he never said anything out loud, or made a comment about the long paragraph you wrote just about him and how you thought he was kind of attractive.

You couldn't wait for him to come back, oddly enough. You expected he would be in sometime the next day, so for the first time in your life you walked into work feeling excited. A little hop in your step.

As the day progressed, you dealt with the same annoying stream of customers. Except the one you were really hoping to see. The end of your shift was approaching fast, along with the night.

You anxiously tapped your nails against the counter. He had to come in today. He just has to. Once it gets this late, the 7/11 becomes a dead zone. Vacant.

It was like a horror movie plot. 'Teen working alone at a 7/11'. How easy it would be for a robber to break into the place and kill you so fast without getting caught. Especially because the cameras haven't worked properly in almost a month. Your boss said he'd get it fixed but surprise, surprise, he hasn't.

Still, you tried to not think about that. It only made your skin crawl with fear over every little sound. Often times, it was just the freezers, or ice machines.

To kill the time, you pulled out the diary. After skimming your thoughts from the previous day, you started your next entry.

Dear diary,
Today has been slow, and extremely exhausting. People come and go, some ruder than others, but all leave in a hurry. It's like the world is constantly running at full speed and if anything or anyone is even a little slower than it, it tears it down. Despite this, I really hoped to see Jason Dean, or as he prefers to be called, JD today. He always comes in, everyday in fact. But here it is nearing midnight and he hasn't come in even once. It's not like I'm worried, I hardly know him, and he hardly knows me. But...I still wanted to see him. Is it a crush? Maybe.

As you wrote away, you hadn't noticed a figure standing at the cashier wanting for you to take notice of them. Stunned, and embarrassed, you glanced up to see exactly who you'd been hoping to see.

"Greetings and salutations." He stated with his smirk. His eyes were dark, so dark in wondered how he could see through them. You knew there was so much hidden behind them, and strangely, you wanted to see exactly what that is.

"Good evening. Back again?" You asked trying to play off the fact you'd been eagerly waiting for his arrival.

JD shrugged. "Came to freeze my brain."

You didn't know exactly what he meant by that, but then he started towards the slushee machine.

"You really like those, don't you?" You asked leaning yourself against the counter, as if that would help you see him better. "You come in to have one everyday."

JD didn't turn to you, he just continued to fill a cup up with the sugary, artificially colored, and flavored goop. "Yeah. No matter where I go, 7/11 is there too. It's something that's consistent. Every store is the same. Las Vegas to Boston."

Squinting your eyes a little you nodded. You supposed that made sense. Consistency. Something your life could use less of personally. To much consistency leads to getting stuck in a rut. The same, to much of the same.

Still, it's clear JD's life lacks it. If a simple slushee is enough to keep him "sane", then you can only imagine the life he must live. And even so, even if it sounded scary, you wanted to be apart of it. And by the look in JD's eyes when he turned around. He wanted that too.

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