Bolder : Gretchen Wieners x Male Reader

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Requested by: Me. Gretchen needs more love I've decided.
Word Count: 3713
Warning: Mention of suicide
Premise: You were feared by most people in the school for the mere reason you were tall, muscular, and quiet. The past relationships you were in created this reputation you couldn't escape. You just never seemed to be able to date the right people. That was until you started dating Gretchen. Everything was going really well...until one of your Ex's sees just how happy you are and decides that just simply wouldn't do.

You made your way through the cafeteria looking for a specific person. She was usually tied at the hip to the queen bee of the school Regina George. Due to this, it wasn't usually to difficult to track her down. All you had to do was look at other students and they would tremble and move from your path. This came in handy in situations like this: when all you wanted to do was find your girlfriend.

Finally, you spotted her taking a seat at the plastics table with her lunch tray. An excited smile crossed your lips just from the mere sight of her. She was so adorably beautiful and you believed this no matter how many times she tried to say it wasn't true.

Coming into the main area, you felt something...or rather someone bounce into you. You hadn't stumbled even an inch, as if they were just a big you swatted at. However, they tumbled to the ground with a loud thud. Confused and slightly concerned, you turned to see who had ran into you. To your surprise it was a middle schooler.

He looked up into your eyes like you were his childhood nightmare standing before him.

"I-I-I'm so sorry! I-I didn't mean to!" He trembled trying time scoot away. "P-Please don't kill me!"

"Kill you? Why would I—?" You attempted to say only to be cut off by a group of his friends gaping at you both in terror.

"Dude, you just bumped into 'the bolder'! Your so lucky your alive!" One of his friends said a little to loudly. Right as you were gearing up to defend yourself, the middle schooler had scurried to his feet and raced back to his friend group like he was running for his life.

"The bolder". That's how everyone knew you. You had never hurt a single person but just because you were tall and had broad shoulders...everyone treated you like a criminal. Well, everyone except Gretchen. Sighing softly, you knew then the only person who could make you feel better was sitting at her lunch table.

Shaking off the sadness of the last couple minutes, you put on your known "cool guy" persona. You shoved your hands into the pockets of your jeans and walked to the end of the plastics table.

"Hey Gretch." You smiled to your girlfriend

Gretchen immediately perked up onto seeing you. "Baby! Hi! Regina, can he sit with us? Please?"

Regina, who was currently busy messing with her nails, turned to get a good look at you. "Hmm..."

"Sup, Regina." You smirked. You enjoyed making her crazy. Though you never minded Regina, the only thing that bothers you is how she treats Gretchen. This is why you're always with Gretchen...because you know Regina won't be to horrible to her if your around.

"Fine. I guess he can." She rolled her eyes

"Thank you, kindly." You slid into the seat next to Gretchen carelessly. You were used to them by now. "Say Regina, I heard Shane Oman is waiting for you in the mascot costume."

"Bite me, Y/N." Regina growled

"I'm just messing around. Besides, I don't think Shane is worth your time anyway." You mumbled putting an arm around Gretchen like a boyfriend does.

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