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Tagged by Puppylover1248

Zodiac sign:  Aquarius

Eye color:  Brown

Hair color:  Blondish

Favorite songs:  oof um... Help! Oh Well... by SomeThingElseYT, I Got so High I Saw Jesus by Noah Cyrus, Everybody Hates me by Tom Macdonald, Blame the Rappers by Tom Macdonald, Backyard Lullaby by Demun Jones, Polygraph Eyes, Medication and Original Me by Yungblud,and SOOOOOO much more.

     Favorite colors: Gray. Um. Das it.

     Favorite food:  I like tacos hehe.

     Favorite drink*You should try this* go to your nearest gas station, get an XL foam cup, fill it up about half way with ice, fill it up about 3/5ths of the way with Dr. Pepper, 1/5th with vanilla Coke, and the rest with Root Beer. It's never failed me (tell me what y'all think about it I love it it's sooo good.

     Time Zone:  MST

     Birthday:  February second

     Favorite movie:  The Fast and Furious series and TMR series.

     Favorite book series:   I haven't read in such a long time, um... OOOOH I really enjoyed the Shadow Lands books (Shadow Lands, Here After, Endless)

     Favorite Wattpad book: I have so many books in my library but the one I've actually been able to keep up with lately is Bunking With Boys by   Lala_writes (you should check it out)

     Last person texted:  I haven't had my phone in like four days but I think the last person I texted was my ex lol

     Last song heard:  Weird! by Yungblud

     Five facts:

     I am very lazy

     I like to argue with people face to face (don't worry Wattpadians you're safe)

     I have a lil doogie

     I plan on posting my first Youtube animation when I move out of my parents house =D

     I rarely complete my goals due to my laziness so yeh

Tag, you're it!!











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