Some notifications beforehand:

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Hello everyone, and thank you for reading my story!

I wanted to say some things about this fanfic beforehand, small things I changed in the storyline and some things where maybe not everyone is comfortable with.

First the things I will change in the storyline: 

1. Laxus and Mirajane will have a relationship just before this story takes place. I know that this doesn't take place in the series, but it's something I needed to make everything make sense.

2. Especially in the beginning, Freed and Bickslow might be a bit more to the cool and irresponsible friends type. Bickslow especially, dragging Freed into it. I know this may seem a bit out of character, but please just roll with it ^^.


The main OC will be working in a stripclub when the story starts. This all has its backstory and all, which I'm not going to go into detail about now because it would be a huge spoiler. I'll of course give a warning and all if things get really intimate, but I wanted to have said this beforehand.

That was all! Good luck reading, and again thanks!


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