Chapter 4

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I got my guild mark, a blue mark on my shoulder. I walk back to chase, who seems to be talking to a blonde-haired girl. "Hey," I greet them.

"Mary!" Chase exclaims, as he runs over and hugs me again. I lift him up and continue walking to the girl.

"Hey, my name is Lucy. I wanted to welcome you to the guild," the girl says, holding her hand out.

I smile and shake it. "I assume you've heard it but I'm Mary, and this is my brother, Chase," I introduce us.

"I was actually wondering, though it's probably none of my business, you have different last names, right?" Lucy asks.

"Yes, that's right. My father died when I was young, he was ill. A few years later me mother got a new boyfriend, and they got married. He was a great stepfather and together they got Chase here. Naturally I inherited my father's last name, and he inherited his father's, though we don't mind," I explain.

"That seems hard..." Lucy says. "Isn't your family divided by the different last names?"

"It's just the two of us..." I say with a sad smile.

 "Oh, I-I'm sorry," Lucy quickly apologises.

"It's okay," I say as I look at chase. He's breathing in deeply, wiggling his nose. "Do you have to sneeze?"

He quickly nods his head, I put him down and take a step back. As soon as I got out of the way, Chase sneezes, accompanied by a flame.

I look up at Lucy, who looks at me in huge surprise. "He inherited fire magic from his father, though I have no clue how to help him control it... My mother helped me control my magic."

"I know someone who can help!" Lucy exclaims as she runs off.

Hesitantly I take Chase's hand and walk after her. She stops in front of a pink-haired mage. He looks quite muscular and wears puffy jeans with a jacket and a scarf. It's a weird combination to wear, no shirt, though a scarf.

Lucy turns back to me. "Mary, this is Natsu. Natsu, this is Mary," she introduces us.

"You're the new girl, right?" Natsu asks.

"Did you even listen to what happened at the door with master?" Lucy asks, lifting an eyebrow at Natsu. She is clearly annoyed by him not knowing what's going on.

"I got distracted," he says, as he continues working down the noodles in front of him at top speed.

"Anyways, her little brother, Chase, has fire magic but can't control it. Can you help them?" Lucy asks.

"Really?" The pink-haired mage jumps down from his seat, squatting in front of Chase. He light his fist in flames, grinning at Chase. "Show me what you can do!"

Chase lifts his hand and concentrates, a faint flame lighting in the palm of his hand. As he tries harder it suddenly grows big and speeds at the pink-haired mage. To my big surprise he just opens his mouth and eats the flame, leaving Chase in a short of breath. It must take a lot of energy from Chase to produce something like this with his level of control.

Natsu, nonetheless being attacked, praises him. "That was already very good! We're gonna train and when we're done, you can do this." He gets up and light his fist again in fire, suddenly hitting a guy with black, messy hair next to him. The guy he attacked is wearing nothing but his underwear...

"Oi, fire brain, what was that for?!" the black-haired mage yells, ice starting to form around his wrist.

"You're stripping again! Pull on some clothes, ice princess!" Natsu shouts back.

Lucy sighs and looks at me. "The ice mage is Grey, him and Natsu are fighting all the time. Even though they're best friends and can work splendidly together." Another sighs escapes her lips as the two get engaged in a full-on physical fight. "Though I'm afraid they're going to be the end of me."

Chase looks at the two of them with big, admiring eyes. I squad down next to him and wrap an arm around the boys shoulder. "Do you like it?" I ask, pointing at the two.

He raises his arm, trying to flex his muscles. "Yes! I'm gonna be strong like them! When I am, I'll take care of you," he shouts, waving his arms around. This makes Natsu and Grey stop in their fight for a second.

"Of course, I'll make sure you'll grow stronger than Grey here!" Natsu laughs.

"As if you could, salmon head!" Grey shouts at him.

I'm glad they don't use actual curse words, I'm trying to get Chase to use proper language. I guess those nicknames are still managable... I look down at him and notice he's gone.

I quickly look around and spot him next to a white-haired mage behind the bar, she's also the one to have set my guild mark. I believe her name was Mirajane. Chase is throwing punches at her, though not all too hard, since he doesn't have that power. Mirajana stops his punches and tickles him instead, making Chase drop down on the bar every time. I smile at the scene and walk over.

"You're really good with him," I notify as I sit down on one of the chairs next to the bar.

"I really like kids," Mirajane says, while tickling Chase. "I really feel sorry for what happened to you, and sorry if Laxus gave the wrong impression about our guild. He's the only one to act this cold and grumpy, honestly."

I'm surprised by the sudden critics on her fellow guild member and immediately recall Freed's words, saying Laxus recently went through a break-up. I decide to not ask about their relationship, too scared I'm wrong.

"It's fine, Freed already apologised. He said he was grumpy because of a break-up," I honestly answer. 

"Huh? They're blaming it on the break-up?" Mira asks. "He's always been like this, our guild got attacked by a dark guild, Phantom Lord. He said he'd only help if Lucy and Cana would strip for him, even though having a girlfriend." It clearly annoys her to just talk about it, as her eyes twitch slightly. "On top of that he made fun of our guildmates for losing." The anger only gets worse, though suddenly changes into a sigh and somehow sadness, or maybe regret, seems to take over her. "I can't believe I dated that guy."

Suddenly I feel bad I was right, her face is pained and she seems to be lost in thoughts, granting Chase a clean hit. The hit does bring her back to her senses and she quickly goes back to tickling him, somehow making a smile appear on her face once again.

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