Chapter 2

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I turn around to see the lightning mage, and back to see my manager, who has been roasted. Everyone who stayed before, now quickly make their way out of the club. After some time we are left there with three or four of my colleagues, who all desperately try to hide away behind something.

I get up, stumbling slightly. My sight going from the three men to the manager and back. The stairs... I need to see him and leave here... There probably isn't a better chance to leave, we'll manage after. I turn around and try making my way to the staircase at the back as fast as possible. My legs only listen to me half of the time and I my walking has been reduced to stumbling. I'm scared of my manager, though I'm also scared of the three mages in the doorway. The thing I'm most scared of is what might happen to my little brother if we stay here.

Suddenly a big hand lifts me up by the back of my shirt, or well... top clothing. I don't think it's qualified as shirt. I'm surprised the small piece of clothing can carry my weight, though the surprise is only of short last. As the hand turns me around, I see I'm only a few centimetres away from the lightning mage.

"We just helped you and your thanks is to run away?" he asks.

"I-I'm sorry," I stutter. "M-my little brother... he's still u-upstairs..."

The huge guy lets go of me, causing me to fall back down. The fall seems to last ages and the moment I hit the floor, I get up and make my way to the stairs again.

"You aren't the best in walking, are you?" I hear behind me. I try to ignore it and walk up the stairs, past the sign saying it's only for employees.

Once upstairs I take the first turn right and the second door left. As soon as I open it, a ten year old boy runs up to me and hugs me. "I heard all kind of noises downstairs, are you okay?" he asks, looking up at me.

There is a huge age difference between me and my brother. My father died and it took years before our mother found a new boyfriend, my little brother is the child of my mother and step-father. I've never hesitated in taking care of him, my stepfather was a good man, and my little brother is one of the sweetest boys I know.

"I'm fine. We can finally leave, you know?" I say as I stroke his black hair. His big brown eyes look up at me, as to question what happened. "I'll explain everything later. Go pack your backpack. If you need any more space, you can come to me."

"Of course!" he says, right before running off to his room. I sigh and walk over to my room, which is a total mess. I stand in front of the mirror and let go of all magic. My hair turns black, reaching 'til my shoulders as my eyes turn bright blue. My skin gets paler and I get a lot thinner. I overwork a lot to be able to give Chase the closest to a normal childhood he could get. It was the least I could do after our parents passed away.

I sigh and start packing my bag. I pack all of the clothes which at least cover something, leaving my working clothes behind. I also change to a sweater and some simple jeans. We mostly get second-hand clothes, but they're okay. I also pack some sentimental things; a picture of me and both my biological parents; a picture of me with my brother, mother and stepfather; a teddybear I got from my father; and a necklace I got from my mother. The last things I pack are my toileteries, picking carefully what I need and don't need.

After packing my own bag I walk over to my brother's room and open the door. "Chase? Are you finished?"

He sits on the floor, his bag stuffed, though two teddybears next to it on the floor. "I can't pick," he says, pointing at both bears. 

"Have you packed the rest?" I say, quickly going through his stuff, to my surprise I notice everything he would need is there. That will definitely save some work.

"I have everything, the teddybears don't fit," he says, tears clouding his eyes.

I sit down next to him and open my bag, having left a bit of space since I expected it. "You can put one of them in my bag and hold the other, okay?" I tell him.

He looks up to me with sparkling eyes and gives me a tight hug. "Thank you!" he exclaims before stuffing one of the teddybears in the bag and picking the other up.

I pick up both backpacks. Both consist of mostly clothes, so they're not that heavy. I have my own bag swung around my left shoulder and his bag around my right, as I carefully pick up my little brother. He's grown quite heavy, but I don't want him panicking if he sees the mess downstairs. He's used to the club, I'm definitely not proud of that, since there's only one entrance, but the scene which happened a few minutes ago is something he shouldn't see.

I start walking back downstairs. "Case, could you do something for me?" I ask.

"Of course, what?"

"Burry your face in my shoulder, a few things happened downstairs. You can raise your head only when I say you can, okay?" I tell him.

He nods and hugs his teddybear tighter, as he burries his face into my shoulder.

I sigh and walk back into the room. My manager is still passed out, I'm kind of glad to see his breast go up and down, knowing no one died because of the incident.

I walk past the manager and notice how two of the three guys are still standing at the entrance, I assume the blonde one left.

"There you are again," the green-haired one says. "Sorry for what happened. Our friend, Laxus, had a break-up and we wanted to distract him."

"Yeah, sorry!" the one dressed as a medieval knight yells, his totems shouting sorry in sync.

"It's fine, but I really need to go," I answer, shooting an anxious look at the manager. "If he wakes up, I think he'll be ready to do anything..."

"You're a mage, am I wrong?" the green-haired mage asks.

"Yes... I am. You're too, if I'm not mistaken," I shoot a quick look to his guildmark, "Fairy Tail."

"Correct, we're from Fairy Tail. Laxus is too, we're a party together with another female friend of ours," he answers. He suddenly seems to realise something. "My name is Freed by the way, and this is Bickslow."

"Yeah!" Bickslow sticks his tongue out as he yells it, revealing a black Fairy Tail mark on his tongue. "Fairy Tail is the best guild!"

"Do you have a place to go?" Freed asks.

I look at him, did he see through me or was it just a lucky guess? I don't think it's hard to guess what happened though. I glance quickly at the boy I'm still holding up, who's still obediently burrying his face in my shoulder. I do know he's probably listening very carefully.

"We don't..." I answer honestly. "I wanted to look for a new job, anything is better than here."

"Since you're a mage, we could maybe bring you to the guildhall. Master can decide whether you can stay or not," Freed says.

"T-to Fairy Tail, would you really do that?" I ask them in disbelief.

The club we're in is just a bit outside of Magnolia, so I know the guild very well, though I've never entered it or actually met one of the members.

"We, maybe indirectly, got you in the situation where you have nowhere to stay. So will you search for a new place to stay, or give this a chance?" Freed asks.

We would've left either way, but I don't think I should tell them now. I look up at Freed. I'll be embarrassed to the bone if I have to tell in a guild hall what my previous occupation was, but my main priority is Chase.

"Alright, I'll give it a chance," I say as I walk out. I close the door behind me and look down at Chase. "Chase, you can look up again." The little boy looks up to me with hopeful eyes. "I'm sure you just heard, but we're going to Fairy Tail."

I'll never forget the happy look on his face, making me realise this would've been the only right choice to make.

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