Chapter 5

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"We're leaving," a low voice suddenly grumbles behind me.

I turn around, to face the lightning mage. "It isn't yet ten o'clock, are you sure?" I ask him, glancing quickly at the clock which displays 9:45PM.

"Well, I want to leave now," he says, shooting a quick glare to the white-haired mage behind me. "So come with me now, or stay until gramps heads back." 

"N-no, we'll come with you," I say as I quickly lift Chase from the counter. "See you, Mira."

"Bye-bye!" Chase says, smiling at the girl.

"See you around," Mira smiles as she walks over to Erza, sitting a bit away from us while eating cake.

I turn back to Laxus, who's already making his way out, and quickly fasten my pace to catch up to him. "Eh... Hey, I still wanted to thank you for helping earlier..." I say. I start to notice that the weight of both bags and Chase is taking a lot from my body, and so I put the little boy down and take his hand.

"Thank me? Do you think I did so to help you? The guy was just loud and annoyed me, don't flatter yourself," he responds. "Though, if you still want to thank me..." He grins, looking at me. "Put your little brother to bed when arriving and come to my room, I'll tell you where it is."

I'm confused by the offer, though I can't help but remember Mirajane's words. 'He said he's only help if Lucy and Cana would strip for him.' I try shaking the thought, but can't help being stuck on it. Perhaps it is because of his grin, perhaps because of my last job, maybe even both, but the thought of him asking such a thing doesn't leave my mind.

"I heard your little brother will be training with Natsu, that idiot almost burned down out guild hall multiple times," Laxus comments. I didn't expect he saw that.

"Yeah, since Natsu has fire magic as well. I hopes he could help Chase control it," I comment.

"And then I can also hit people with fire!" Chase shouts, lifting his fist in the same way Natsu did. It's already clear he looks up to the fire mage. "I'm gonna be strong like Natsu, and beat everyone up who is mean to Mary." He adds, making my heart melt.

Laxus raises an eyebrow at it. "Good luck doing that, kid," he says in a sarcastic tone.

"Thank you, sir," Chase thanks him, not getting the sarcasm hidden in his voice.

Laxus sighs, walking up to a quite big house. He opens the front door with a key and walks in. "Close the door behind you."

I walk in and do as told, looking around. We're in a hallway, with stairs up and a way to enter the living room and kitchen. I can see a couch from where I am and a part of the counter.

"There's the living room and kitchen," Laxus says on a bored tone. "Upstairs are the sleeping rooms. The first one left is mine and the first one right is gramps's. The second door right is the guest room and the second door left the bathroom," he quickly explains. "I'll be in my room if you need me." He walks upstairs, not giving us another look. 

I quickly walk with Chase into the living room and kitchen. It's connected and quite simple, with light colours. The wall opposite from the entrance seems to be a big window, covered by curtains. There are multiple bookshelves and the place is decorated with everything you can imagine, making it very colourful and somehow child-like. The kitchen is very simple, with cool colours. Though there are a bunch of dirty plates and glasses in the sink.

I turn back, still holding Chase's hand and walk upstairs. I walk down the hall, taking the second door right. It's a small room, with one bed which is neatly made. I look around, to see the brown wallpaper and grey carpet. There are a few pictures on the wall of a younger Makarov and younger Laxus. They both look so cheery, I wonder what happened to make Laxus as grumpy as he is now.

I put down the two bags. After changing Chase to pyjamas I lay him down in the bed. "I'll probably be back soon. If something is wrong, go knock on Laxus's door, okay?" I tell him.

He nods and yawns, rubbing his eyes. It must've also been a very tiring day for him.

"Good night," I say as I kiss his forehead and walk towards the door.

"Night," Chase says, as he turns around, making me see only his back. I smile and switch the lights off, before closing the door and making my way to Laxus's room.

I knock the door and he opens up a second later. He changed to sweatpants, not wearing a shirt, and his hair seems messier than before. He raises an eyebrow seeing me. "You sure want to apologise badly," he says as he steps away to let me in.

That comment definitely doesn't put my mind to rest and hesitantly I step into the room. I wonder what he wants.

His eyes observe my from top to bottom, giving me slight goosebumps. "I liked the clothes you wore in the club better."

I can feel my face flush as he says it and stare down at the ground. "I... I left all of those clothes at the other place..."

He shrugs and falls back down on the bed, his arms folded behind his head and one knee pulled up. "I've heard Mira tell you about the break-up, and how apparently Freed told some things."

I didn't know he heard that. I assumed he was still sitting on top of the stairs, looking down on everyone. So he either was closer without me noticing, or has real good hearing. "Yes, they did."

"What do you think about what you've heard?" he suddenly asks.

"I-I don't know... I mean, I've heard it from Mira and I'm sure you have your side of the story and all..." I awkwardly bring out.

"No, I just didn't feel like helping. They're weak and inferior," he looks straight at me.

"I... I don't know... I mean you sure are strong, but wouldn't that be a reason to help your guild members?" I ask.

He lifts an eyebrow at me, he seems interested in the comment. "So you're saying I was wrong? Maybe even selfish?"

I look at him with big eyes, trying to find something to say. Of course I think so, should I say it honestly. Of course if I lie, he'll continue asking until I will have said the truth. It seems as if the blue eyes look right through me.

"Maybe... a bit."

He grins and looks at me. "Most guild members are scared to get hit by my lightning when saying something like that, or they'll say it in a rude way, get into a fight and beaten up. I like you, you manage to avoid both."

The... hell...?

"Anyways," he starts off again. "I guess I should just tell you the reason why I said you should come here. You seem interesting enough to be my girlfriend."

My eyes grow big and for a second I seem to choke on the air entering my lungs. His girlfriend? But I barely know him. Is he one of the guys who just want a girlfriend to show around with? From what I now know, he might be.

"Why me?" My voice sounds small, and probably quite scared, as I don't understand what brings him to this decision.

"Mira recently broke up, and I have no intention in staying single. I know the others have no intention of being with me and you seem quite okay." Quite okay... Should I say thank you? "On top of that you desperately wanted to say thanks, but I never do favors without getting anything back. Do imagine it like this: if you say yes, I will make sure no one touches you or your little brother. You both don't seem in the state to be able to do so."

I look at him, it does sound very appealing if he says he'll take care of me and Chase. We definitely do need someone to take care of us now we've been thrown into this unfamiliar world of guilds, quests and strong mages.

"I-..." My voice falls away, as I decide to just say it in the easiest way. "Alright."

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