Chapter 6

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Laxus pats the empty space on the double bed next to him, apparently expecting me to lay down there. 

"I-I... I should probably go back to Chase, I don't want him to be alone," I stutter.

"You can go back later," Laxus says with a clear voice.

I look at the door and at the bed, I've seen his magic and I certainly wouldn't want to anger him. I decide to walk over and sit on the edge of the bed, while looking down on the blonde mage. Because he isn't wearing a shirt, a black Fairy Tail mark is visible on his left abdomen. Above the Fairy Tail mark is a black tribal tattoo, reaching all the way up to his shoulder.

"What are you staring at?"

I quickly look up again. "I-I'm sorry... I was just looking at your tattoo," I admit.

"Do you have something against tattoos?" Laxus raises an eyebrow, looking at me. Again that look which seems like he can see through me, perhaps it is a bit of fear from what I've seen in the club.

"O-of course not, it looks great on you," I stumble on my words. I take a deep sigh, trying to calm down again. "I actually had a question..."

"Why don't you ask it?" I can feel my cheeks burn in embarrassment as he says it. I see how a grin creeps onto his face as he pokes one of my cheeks. "What was your question, miss tomato?"

"I was wondering, what do you expect of me as your girlfriend?" I've never really been in a relationship. I was a very social kid, befriending a lot of people. Losing my father was a big hit, though I still wasn't at the age of getting a relationship. After this my mother started searching for a new boyfriend, and her failed attempts didn't encourage me to get into a relationship. When my little brother got born, and my mother got remarried, I got hope in relationships again. I just didn't manage to get a relationship before the accident, which turned my entire life upside-down.

"Just... girlfriend things, I guess," Laxus answers, staring at the ceiling. "What kind of stupid question is that? Unless..." And there comes the smirk back, as his eyes focus once more on me. "You've never been in a relationship."

I can feel how my cheeks get warmer, and I start tapping the mattress, unable to disguise my awkwardness. "I never really got the chance to be in a relationship," I answer in a small voice.

"There's one very important thing," he starts off, as he grabs my wrist and pulls my closer. I twist sideways, causing my chest to lay against his bare one, as he forces me to look up to his face. "Remember you are mine."

"Y-yours?" I ask, not sure what to expect.

"Yes, you're my girlfriend, and therefore no other guy should even consider coming close. I want to have the right to just pull you into a hug or kiss whenever I feel like it, and I should be able to walk around while making clear you are mine," he states confidently. "Though on the other hand, it also means you're mine to protect. You'll see for yourself."

I look up at him, as he now avoids my stare and looks back at the ceiling. "But don't expect too much from my side."

He seems to be embarressed for what he said, as his cheeks are a bit pink-dusted. It actually kind of breaks the view of a scary lightning mage, giving me the idea he can also be actually nice. Maybe I just imagined it, but it at least gives me some courage in whatever kind of relationship this may be.

"Alright, I can do that. Just one thing from my side," I sit up, being able to look down on the mage. I take a deep breath, hoping my voice won't tremble. "You promised to protect me and Chase, and I don't want you being rude to him or me. Also, please don't ruin his innocence, he's just ten years old."

He looks at me, surprised, before bursting out in laughter. "You sure don't know anything about relationships. Either way, I can agree with those terms."

He continues laughing, making my cheeks flush another time. I can't believe he's actually laughing at me when I'm trying my hardest to be serious, and take this entire ridiculous situation serious.

"But if you set extra terms, I want to set one extra term too. You don't have to help me, but you won't get mad either for my attempts to make the guild stronger. No matter in what way."

I look at him, dumbfounded. Is this why he acts like he does? I understood almost immediately, after Makarov explained that the higher part was only for S-class mages, that he stood above a lot of people in the guild. From what I knew, I thought he was just rude, refusing to help anyone lower than him. Maybe I was wrong, maybe he lets people fight their fights themselves, to make them stronger.

"Fine," I agree. I can't imagine he'll hurt the people from his own guild too bad. On top of that, he means it in a good way, right?

"Great, then-..." Laxus wanted to turn on his side, laying closer to me, as the door suddenly opens and the small figure of Makarov walks in. "Gramps, I told you to knock!"

Makarov just sighs. "There's a kid downstairs, eating all the cookies we had stored in the kitchen. Anyone bother to explain?"

"Shit..." I softly curse as I jump up and run past Makarov. "Sorry," I quickly say when passing him. "Chase! Get here right now!" 

As I arrive downstairs, and run into the kitchen, I see how Chase just finished closing a cabin. He turns back to me, giving me the most angelic smile he can give me, though that smile is surrounding by cookie crumbs. 

"I put you to bed, you shouldn't be eating cookies after that!" I say as I walk over.

"I wasn't eating cookies," he denies.

"You little liar, the crumbs are still all around your mouth."

He quickly feels on the skin next to his mouth and wipes them away. "They're not."

I sigh and grab his wrist. "Come on, we're going to sleep. Don't whine to me if you have a stomach ache or are tired tomorrow, because you promised Natsu to train together."

"Training!" Chase cheers, quickly silenced by my strict gaze.

"If you don't go to sleep, you can train in the sleeping room, on your own," I notify him.


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