A little info

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                   Bakugou's backstory
He was sold into slavery at the age of 12, his parents sold him to pay for their drug and gambling habits. The first one to buy him is a man named Roger and he was fine and dandy....at first....he became an abusive bastard.
A few months later he came to a new "master", but it was a man and woman named John and Hailey. They would make him go weeks without eating if he'd miss even on speck of dirt.....

Then he got sold to a new family the Shinso family they had two sons and one daughter. They weren't nice to him at all....well there was one boy Hitoshi, he would sneak bites of food and sips of water to him at night. He helped him survive...they became friends.

Then he got sold to Tobias......where he endured rape, multiple times by a multitude of people.....he's been beaten by Tobias and his buddies....he's been treated as a slave (which technically he is) he's been cutting himself to relieve himself of stress and anger....and he's full of self hate.

                        Dabi's backstory
His isn't as sad as Bakugou's but it's fucked up!
His father (Enji) was an abusive asshole who would work all of his kids (Shoto harder than the rest) from sunrise to sunset.....he'd train them and try to make them the perfect....how do you say protégés.
One day Toya decided he had enough and he took Shoto and ran! Fuyumi and Natsou didn't agree with their choice, but they supped their brothers and helped them sneak off while they stayed behind..

Little by little Toya and Shoto's empire grew, they took in only the forgotten and hopeless, they helped people while also gaining somethings, they got a new family, a new life, they got people who care.
They made them feel like they mattered like they could make a change in the world.

When Dabi first met Katsuki he felt an attraction towards the broken, blonde haired boy. He wanted to save him from that hellhole, but couldn't......he tried and tried, but the Shinso's wasn't up for selling him quite yet as he proved useful....but they had no qualms about selling their own son. And when they did decide to sell Katsuki........Tobias had gotten to them first and ended up with him for the next three months...during which Dabi tried to buy him and after months of begging and bargaining he finally got him! And it was about damn time! He was ready to murder Tobias and/or kidnap Katsuki!

                                Mafia facts
1. they have unique tattoos
2. They con people out of their money
3. Dirty business deals
4. Illegal jobs
5. Gamble
6. "Turf wars"
7. They bribed cops and such
8. They gave each other code names, sorta like nicknames
9. They have more than one base as a safe house
10. May have more than on base of operations
11. Everyone has different job
12. They act sort of like a family

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