What if: mom didnt die

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Alex POV

I opened my eyes. People were screaming. I leaped out of bed and raced around the house which wasn't that hard considering it's size.

"Alexander! ALEXANDER COME HERE!!" I heard my mother scream. She was waiting just outside in the door of the neighbors basement.

I may have burned the ground by how fast I ran. The only time I can remember running that fast was 5 years ago when I was running from my home to a doctor to help my mom. Thankfully our sickness passed but now it may all be for nothing.

I looked beind me as saw total destruction from every angle and it was caving in on me. I leaped into my mothers arms and she pulled me into the damp, dark, depths of the cellar.

Mom hugged me tightly. I wasn't completely oblivious to what was happening. I was 17 years old after all. A hurricane had hit Nevis and my mom and I were just trying our best to survive it.

"Shhhhshshshhh. It's gonna be ok lion. We're going to be fine." She whispered. I didn't know what to say so I stayed quiet and began to relax in my mother's embrace. She was warm and smelled like the woods. I looked up and saw her eyes watering and staring off into the darkened while stroking my hair.


We sat and waited with multiple strangers a little over an hour after there was silence. Everyone had gone to their own devices. Joan, my neighbor, was drawing with a stick in the dust. Crystal, my cousins girlfriend, was braiding my cousins hair. My mother was playing with the lace in her dress. I, myself was writing. I loved writing. It gave me hope. Hope that someday, someone will read my writing and that maybe we could come out of this cellar alive.

Suddenly a burly man stood up in a huff and grumbled, "IVE WAITED LONG ENOUGH. YE BETTAR BELIEVE I EM LEAVIN'" everyone stood up and waited for him to open the cellar door. We all had wanted to do as he did but were too afraid to.

Sunlight poured into the damp cellar but not good sunlight. Not the kind that brings warmth and happiness and carries the afternoon breeze. No this is the kind of light that comes just before rain. The intense white that is paradise for the bugs and smell of precipitation. Never the less we crawled out and found ourself a surrounded by destruction.

Homes, banks, schools, shops, parks. Parts and pieces were strewn across the ground.

Mother was visibly weak so I held on to her. One hand on her forearm and one on her upper back. We looked are Lund in sadness and nostalgia as we were surrounded by our memories, our faults, the things we have done, and the things we were never able to do. We were surrounded by our homes.

I bent down and picked up a glistening object. It was a ring. Gold with small leaves and vines engraved in it. A small green gem rested in the center.

I watched my mothers eyes widen as she reached for the ring. A few tears traced her cheeks and a sad smile crept onto her face. Mother held the ring and put it on her wedding finger. I was about to ask what it was when we got I should tour the docks of our small island. The last ship was leaving that day and we had to be on it. It was headed to the new land, New England to be exact. They were called the colonies. This particular ship that we were boarding it was heading to New York.

From what I've heard

In new you're, you can be a new man

And off we said to the new land, leaving everything behind us except what we had in our pockets.

"Name-" a dirty looking man asked me.

"My name is Alexander Hamilton and there's a million things I haven't done. Just you wait."

That's the first chapter for y'all!! I really hope you enjoyed it!! I would really love if some of my artist readers could share some fanart of any kind. It would be kinda cool!! If your interested let me know through messenger and I will get back to you.

Thanks for reading! I love you all!!! <3

734 words.

What if? A Hamilton remakeWhere stories live. Discover now