Here comes the general!!

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An... so I usually do a new what if for every chapter but I wanna see how this one plays out

Rachel's (Alex mom) POV


I had gotten a paper cut while opening today's mail.
"Bills, bills, bills, bi- oh?" I paused reading who it was addressed to. "ALEXANDER COME DOWNSTAIRS THE MAIL ARRIVED TODAY!" I yelled upstairs.

I heard a couple thuds and then a loud groan. Knowing that Alexander was less likely to find a partner then tomatoes weren't poisonous, I wasn't phased. He rolled down the stairs, like the child he was, and ran into the kitchen.

He reached for the letter but I was quicker and I pulled it out of reach. I may be short but I am a mother so I have my ways. "Now Alexander, what do we say when we want something?" I said in an 'I'm not mad just disappointed' sort of way.

He smirked and replied, "I'm offended". I fought off the urge to laugh and played it off as a 'really' kinda reaction. He looked down and mumbled a quick please and I laughed and handed him his envelope.

He made his way to the kitchen table and sat down with his back to me. Rookie mistake. I poured juice into glasses while I read the letter over his shoulder.

It said something like:

Dear Alexander Hamilton,
I received your 8 page letter giving me reasons that we should recruit you. I feel the need to remind you that this is a volunteer army and we need all the men we can get. Seeing as I need a right hand man, I would like to see you in the general tent after I address the rest of the soldiers.
Give my regards to your mother and brother.
Ps: your uniform has been attached in a package.

I gasped and dropped the half full glass of juice. I was frozen. My boy- my little boy is going off to army and he didn't address his family.

I realized I was on the floor and Alexander was shaking me.

"Mother- mother are you alright"

I nodded and sat up rubbing my temple. I realized what I had just read and tears came to my eyes. I tried to turn away but was engulfed in a hug from my little lion. I couldn't imagine loosing another Hamilton. First it was my husband, then peter. Oh poor peter.

I sobbed and sobbed. Every time I tried to speak I sobbed harder. I don't even know what I would say. I did not want Alex going but it's his dream. I look back on where we started. Barely a home to defend. The colonies were a blessing. I should be proud but I don't know if I can take another heart break.

Alexander, my first son, my legacy.

I pulled away from the hug and looked at his face. I placed my hand on the side of it and rubbed my thumb on his cheek.

Maybe the last time I see his face. If I let my son take a shot is this how he'll remember me?

I looked in a mirror and examined my tear stained face. We're rose, age spots? My stars Im getting old. And what have I done in my life, married, had children, protected them, came to the colonies.

I had thrown away my shot. My son is my legacy. I will not let him throw away his shot.

"Mother, If it makes you this saddened then I suppose I don't have to g-"

I put my wet hand over his mouth. I heard myself laugh through the tears. "Go Alexander, and promise me that you won't throw away your shot"

He nodded and got up to start packing.

Alex POV

I was ready to go. I was halfway down the sidewalk when I heard my mothers faint voice. "Stay alive and come home when your done. Be smart make me proud son."

What if? A Hamilton remakeWhere stories live. Discover now