What if : Angelica didnt turn and see her sisters face part 2

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Angelica's POV

The ball was only a week ago now. I can't believe that if feels like only a couple of hours. Alexander and I have been writing letters to each other every day since. I had no ideas he was such a poet.

He writes me palaces out of paragraphs and each and every one takes my breath away. My life get better for every letter he would write me.

I was a blushing mess while reading one in particular when my sister, Eliza walked in the room.

"Hey Angie wha- oh my lord you are so red you could overpower the sun itself. What's happening?!" She seemed genuinely worried.

"Oh Eliza your so sweet to worry about me!! Alexander just wrote me the sweetest letter about how my eyes-" eliza started sneezing but it sounded a little forced. I thought nothing of it however.

She eventually calmed down. A smirk crossed her smooth face as she said, "well if you REALLY loved me you would share 'em..." I started manically laughing...


Two weeks later

"Angelicaaaa, someones here to see youuu." Peggy called from 2 floors down.

Our hose is huge. I mean like- HUGE. Many would call that boasting but it's not. I hate having a big home!! If you lose something it's that much harder to find it.

I picked up my skirts sand ran down the curled steps.

Standing in the doorway, in all his glory, the love of my life, Alexander Hamilton. I look into his eyes and i feel  like this was a man who would never hurt me. A man who would love me and only me for the rest of my life. Yeah. I was gonna marry this man.

He took a deep almost sarcastic bow , "It's a pleasure to see you again miss Schuyler." He bent down and kissed my hand. I giggles and blushed. God what was he doing to me!!

"The pleasure is all mine good sir" I said with an over dramatic curtsy.

"I'll leave you too it!" Eliza murmured. Something in her voice was off but when I turned to look at her, all I saw was her hair bouncing behind her as she walked up the stairs.

I turned back to Alexander and noticed that he had been staring at me. He blushed and looked down. OHMIGOSH HE'S SO CUTE!! "What brings you to the Schuyler household?" I managed to piece together.

"I need to talk to your father about something" I nodded and led him to my fathers study. We made small talk and when we approached the door I waved him off and 'walked' downstairs.

As soon as the door to his study closed I sped back and listened in. Was it ladylike? No. Should I be doing it? No. Am I being mature? No. Did I care? No.

I heard Alexander's muffled voice sounding nervous and then it was silent. Did they stop? What happened? I suddenly heard my fathers voice and Alex's fan-girl shriek.

More silence. I wonder wha-

The door started breaking open and I scrambled to the stairs and then slowly made my way back up.

"Hello father, Alexander, wha-"

Alex grabbed my arm and asked, "would you like to go for a walk?" I nodded and he yanked me down the stairs and out the door.

We walked all the way uptown. The sun was setting but Alexander stopped walking. We were on a hill facing the setting sun. He held my hands and looked into my eyes. I opened my mouth to ask what the hell was going on but he talked before me.

"Angelica, I don't have a dollar to my name, an acre of land, a troop to command, a dollop of fame. All I have is my honor, a tolerance for pain, a couple of college credits and my top notch brain"

I giggled turning pink. This man knew how to use his words. Alexander was many thing but as on right now I see modest is not one of them but I don't care. He was being cute.

"INSANE!! Your family brings out a different side of me!" What was he doing?! He was sweating and stumbling over his words.

"PeGGy confides in me, Eliza baked an apple pie for me. (I mean tell me I'm wrong) so stress, my love for you is never in doubt,"

His- love? Alexander Hamilton, loves me?

"We'll get a little place in Harlem and we'll figure it out." I oponed my mouth. None of this made sense!! What was he doing?

He placed a finger on my lips. My eyes widened in his forwardness. He knelt down on one knee and pulled out a small ring box.

"As long as I'm alive, Angelica, I swear to god you'll never feel as helpless as I do now. I love you and I want to marry you(?)" he said as normal dog a question.

I saw my Opportunity to be funny. I crossed my arms across my chest and looked away "no" I said deadpan. He looked but and stood up. As I had planned when he stood he was a little disoriented and I took that chance to grab his Collar and smashed my lips into his. I felt him melt and smile into the kiss as he wrapped his hands around my waist. I pulled mine around his neck.

This was the most blissful moment of my life, the sun was setting, I was with my true love, and I was going to marry him.

Like a minute later we pulled apart and looked into each others eyes.

He smirked and said "so is that a yes?" I playfully slapped his chest but couldn't stop smiling. "How could I say no to this?"

This boy is mine.

Eliza's POV
Back in time a little.

I went up the shallow stairs to the living room next to my fathers office. No one ever came here except me so I let it all out. I cried for what felt like hours.

I was doing the right thing. I was letting my sister be happy. She deserved it. Angelica always stressed about us and never got her way. If this is the right thing to do, why do I feel so helpless?

Not in a good way. In a way where I can't help myself out of this mistake. I need someone to talk to but who? I decided to keep it to myself.

Suddenly I heard Alexander's voice in fathers study. I decided to listen in. I didn't care if it was bad. I just wanted to hear his voice.

"I love her sir. I can't bring myself to live without her. So I'm asking for her hand." My mind felt like it exploded. I knew somewhere deep down that he was talking about Angelica but it couldn't hurt to pretend, right.

So there I was imagining you life with him. Of it was so perfect. Suddenly, my father broke the silence.

"Be true"

I decided to leave the room. I was just in time to see Alexander whisking Angelica out the door.

I couldn't take it. Alexander was a penniless immigrant and he knew we were rich. What if he just wanted her for her money.

Another thought crossed my mind.

It was more of a memory.


Angelica was on her stomach reading another letter from Alexander. I felt envious. But that look in her eye. She was just so happy. So- so

"Helpless" she sighed as she held the letter to her chest. Her legs waved behind her.

End of flashback

This man made my sister happy. Who am I to take that away from her for my own selfish reasons. I love my sister more than anything in this life and I will choose her happiness over mine




Heyyy part three the wedding will come soon. Please vote comment talk to me, whateva. Love you alll

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What if? A Hamilton remakeWhere stories live. Discover now