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"Why were you so jealous when you saw John and Eliza kiss?"

"WHAT IN THE BLAZES ARE YOY REFERRING TO." Alex screeched red-faced. He tugged on the authors shirt and said loud enough for everyone to hear, "I don't like whoever asked this" the author chuckled and high-fived Kaitlyn.

"Well do you have an answer?" The author asked making alex even more flustered.

He looked like an angry Windego but it was funny cuz he was smol. "I-I I don't know! I don't think I got jealous at all." He mumbled.

John and Eliza were out in the background and Eliza didn't seem to hear anything but John was chalk white wide-eyed staring at Alex.

"Okay our damage is done let's move to the next question!" The author replied cheerfully.


"What is the most important thing you like about Eliza?" The author read from a glowing rectangle.

John blushes as Eliza looked up at him expectantly. The author noticed Alex balling up his fists and turning red and apparently so did Kaitlyn because she was jumping up and down and pointing like a little kid screaming "SEE SEE I TOLD YOU HE WAS JEALOUS " at which Alex hid behind washingdad.

The author turned back to John and he stumbled on his words, "well I mean like it's not like I mean the thing I like most is-" he hung his head. "Well you're really petty and smart and kind and nice and-" BUT before he could finish Eliza cut him off in a long hug.

That was sweet Angelica said. And then looked at Alex who was fiddling with his quill. "Oh yes all those thing BUT about you" Alex smiled sheepishly. Angelica tolled her eyes and dragged alex off.

"That was-eventful" herc said.


"Do you like Laf?"

Herc blushed and avoided eye contact with anyone or anything. "Idontknowimeaniguess"

"Huh???" Washington was very confuzled

"I mean I guess that answers the question" twerked Kaitlyn.


"How do you rap guns and ships with 6.3 words per second in perfect English?"

Laf LOOKED confused since he didn't know what rapping was but decided to brush it off and make jazzhands through the air. "MAGICCC" he whisper yelled.

"I- okay next question" the author hesitated.


"What's your favorite thing about Peggy?" Kaitlyn asked again.

Burr gave an attractive smile down to Peggy and she scrunched up her face.

"I like-" he hesitated.

"C'MON IRON THINK OF SOMETHING " screeched Angelica.

"It's not that there's just so much to say... I like the way her hair falls over her face when it's loose. I like the way she scrunches her face when she smiles. I like how she's not all prom and propper. She has an actual personality! I love you peggy..."

Peggy was blushing mad and biting her lip trying not to smile. Everyone was silent because Aaron's declaration of love was so beautiful.

"I like your face" Peggy added confidently. We all laughed and Aaron bent down and kissed her. She smiled into the kiss and it was adorable. Until a very pregnant older sister ripped them apart and sat in the middle.

We all laughed as the author moved on to the next question.


"Do you ship lams?" The author looked at him expecting a yes but was surprised.

What if? A Hamilton remakeWhere stories live. Discover now