What if: it didnt go as planned

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A/N okay I'm sorry but I found this and I had to share it...

Angelica POV

My heart sank. What happened. "WHAT HAPPENED TO MY BABIES." Alexander held me down on the delivery bed. "ALEXANDER SToP." I tried to get away from him so I could throttle the doctor but he was too strong. My voice cracked and I wasn't screaming anymore. "What did you do to my babies" I breathed, tears gushing down my face. There was a look of pain in Alex's face but he couldn't possibly understand. No one could understand.

"I'm sorry but I regret to inform you that Kathrine-" he paused. "Kathrine was a stillborn. She was barely living off of the nutrients in your body."


Baby kathrine. I lost her. I heard a bloodcurdling, heartwretching, tear jerking scream. It must have been mine. I just sobbed and sobbed.

I heard Alex stand up and try to fight his way to the back room to no preveil. This morning I thought I was having one baby. It was a pleasant surprise to hear I would have triplets. I would've been fine to have twins but the reality of knowing that one on MY children have died is just too much.

"My kathrine~"

Peggy POV

Angelica would be home any minute!!! The family and I decided to invite herc Laf, Washington, and Martha, his wife. We had put up decorations and games and I couldn't wait.

My big sister was having a baby!!

Although all of us were excited, Washington and Rachel were ecstatic. As the parents of the groom I guess I can understand that.

"Everyone shhhh blow out the candles, hide behind the sofa, they're coming." The front door opened and light from outside flooded the room.

I jumped up and ripped open the curtains accidentally ripping them off the rack and into- THE FIREPLACE?! CRAP! The fire blazed higher due to its new...


Everyone, having seen the light and thinking it was outside, jumped up and screamed suprise. Meanwhile I was trying to shove the rest of the curtains into the fireplace so it wouldn't spread but I kicked the brick, which sent a wave of pain through me. A grabbed my foot and started bouncing around and may or may not have crashed into a table with a vase on it.  The vase fell and I kept to catch it an diff by curling around it and breaking the fall. The table wobbled and then fell on Aaron and he fell.

There was silence.

"Hey Peggy," I moved my head to look at Aaron. "How the fu-" he was cut off by John, Laf and herc clapping. Eliza,stifleing a laugh, slapped johns arm because he was being rude.

Only I could pull something off like that. Martha turned to Angelica and said, "I liked your curtains."

Angelica nodded and left for her room. Huh, I wonder what happened. Eliza, Rachel, and I exchanged a look and we all made our way to angies room.

Eliza's POV

We filed into the room and I closed the door behind us.

"Are you alright, sugar cube?" Rachel asked. Angie was laying on her bed facing a way from us clutching a pillow to her chest.

"I'm fine" she sobbed.

"Angelica dear, your gonna have to do more to get us to leave." I sat down next to her and stoked her hair.

She sat up and put the pillow down. A disgustingly fake smile rest upon her lips. "No really in overreacting."

She took a breath and continued. "I delivered a beautiful boy, William, and the doctor told me I would be having triplets." What? SERIOSLY?!! My big sister would have triplets "this is amazing news. "

She nodded sadly. "That's what I thought too, then I delivered them. 2 more, both girls. The next was k- kathrine" her voiced cracked but I don't know why. " the next was Rachel" I saw the mother smile.

Then Angelica broke down. "They said she was asleep. They said it was normal."  Then I remembered. When they walked in there were only 2 babies. Each and blankets with their names on them. William and Rachel. Where was Kathrine?

Rachel started crying but sad smiled. She hugged Angie tightly and I don't even know why. Peggy looked confused too and asked, "wait but there were only two downstairs?" Then she came to a moment of realization that I haven't had yet. She leaned in and cried into the group hug. I hugged too but still had no idea what had happened.


Alex has told us about the stillborn. Herc and the Washington's had tears in their eyes. John has excused himself to the bathroom about a half an hour ago. I decided to go check on him and as soon as I got to the door I could hear quiet sobs coming from behind the door.

I knocked. "Jackie, mon Ami are you in there?" Silence so naturally I bathed in. I saw him laying on the floor limp looking off to the side. Oh lord was he hurt. I crouched beside him.

"C'mon buddy lets go" I said trying get him to move. He turned his head like an angry toddler and then like a snap of a how you say oh yeah finger, he flailed his arms and legs screaming "I don't wanna it's not fair" was he talking about his silly schoolboy crush from years ago or about Alex's tragedy. Zat, I did not know.

Alex's POV

I held William in my arms. "Hey will! Can you say da-da" I cooed. He proceeded to pull my hair and laugh.

I looked up to see my beautiful wife and her sisters and mother in law walking down the stairs after about an hour. Angelica had tear stains down her face. She picked up Rachel and looked down so her hair fell around the baby's head  Little Rachel reaches up and grabbed angies finger causing her to giggle. Angelica smiled.

~~later that night~~

I opened the door to the nursery and saw angie running around trying to grab bottles and toys and clothes and pacifiers. I grabbed her forearms and she stopped. "Alexander I don't have time for this I have to care for the children."

I turned her around. "The ones that are sleeping?" She sighed and threw the mittens she was holding onto a rocking chair. She relaxed I my arms and I could tell she needed some rest. "Angelica it's not your fault. We have two beautiful babies and I have no doubt you will be an amazing mother." She smiled.

I carried her bridal style to our room. By the time I layed her down she was already asleep. I planted a kiss on her forehead and whispered, "best of wives and best of women."


What an emotional rollercoaster. Hope y'all enjoyed!!

1156 words

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