What if: Angelica didnt turn and see her sisters face?

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Angie POV

I looked at the girl in front of me. She looked sad. Lonely. She looked like one of those girls who always finds flaws in herself not to 'fish for complements' but just because she knew she would never be enough. She looked like she had a mask on to not only hide her sadness but to protect her from pain.

"Angieeeee can you come help me with my corset? Peggy pulled the string out again"

I sighed at Peggy's lack of discipline and eliza's helplessness. Taking one last look at the stranger in front of me, I turned away from the mirror. As I made my way to eliza's room I thought to myself,
Will I ever be as kind and sweet as Eliza? Will I ever be as beautiful and talkative as Peggy? Will I ever be satisfied?


I straitened my brown overcoat.

Would herc think this'll look ridiculous? If he does, we he be ashamed to be seen with me?

I shook my head. Why did I care so much about what this man thought. It's not like he could make me do anything if he asked. It's not like I get lost in his chocolate eyes and the way they sparkle when he smiled. It's not like I memorized every, perfect, feature on his face so that if I had to I could sketch it blindfolded.

I collapsed on the bed. "To hell with it I'm in love" I grumbled.

At the ball
Alex POV

We had entered the ballroom at the Schuyler household. We as in John, Laf, herc, and Aaron. Burr had told me on the ride over that if I could marry a sister I'd be rich. That hardly seemed like a problem. For whatever reason, women swooned for me. It's like the more attention I pay them, the more they love me. However that works.

Eventually I spotted 2 of the 3 schuylers. One was in a yellow dress and her hair was pulled back. She had bright red lipstick on. The girl was jumping up and down smiling ear to ear. I would've gone for her but she looked to be 18 or nineteen but I was 23. I didn't feel like being creepy so I kept looking.

I spotted another a moment later. This one had a blue dress. She was cute. A smile graced her lips as she glided from man to man. Her long dark hair framed her face perfectly. I decided to go for her because the other was no where in sight.

The girl in the blue dress must have spotted me because she waved and smiled. Her face turned a light shade of pink. I was halfway across the ballroom when


This next part happens very quickly. A girl in a pink dress stomped toward me and I didn't have enough time to move so we collided. Instead of falling, I caught her with one hand in the back of her neck and one on her lower back.

Her hair was in front of her face so I couldn't see who she was. I helped the poor girl up and brushed myself off while profusely apologizing.

The girl did the same. When she pushed her thick curly brown hair behind her ear I saw her face. For the first time, I was the star struck one.

Her brown eyes glistening in the pale candlelight. Her cheeks flushed and she smiled.

I realized my mouth was open and quickly shut it and smiled. (Aaron would be proud)

We began waltzing to blend in with the Crowd. I decided to be outgoing and state my observations. "You strike me as a woman who had never been satisfied."

She smirked and replied, "I'm sure I don't know what you mean. You forget yourself"

I cut in. "Your like me. Your never satisfied."

What if? A Hamilton remakeWhere stories live. Discover now