What have I done

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???? POV

After I finally got Canada to calm down to the point we're I can come close to him in a one meter radius, I got in my car and started to drive home I feel really empty. Once I arrive at my house I look at my desk with some newspapers on it all about the news yesterday I really ***** up I'm really an idiot. I can't think now in stressed I have to go and fix this, try to calm the situation. I have to explain to everyone why I had a fight with Russia and why I started the fight but how am I gonna explain to everyone my sudden assault to Phil God what do I do now. I'm dead meat I already went bat crap crazy and went to The Philippines in invited especially when they have a new law no one gets in or gets out without confirmation. I get really stressed with my thoughts and I grab a bottle of alcohol from my Shelf of Alcohols I open it and start to drink I grab another and another and drank until I couldn't walk properly since I was dizzy but hate to admit it I still have a bottle in my hand and I decided to go sit down on my chair and I accidentally knocked over something I look at what I knocked over it's a book but a white paper was hanging out beside the book I pick the paper out and my eyes widened its a picture of me and Philip the Time where everything was calm he didn't Hate me I haven't hurt him still and he still smiles like a beautiful angel his eyes shining full of happiness. And I I was just a jerk back then a real idiot what have I done he treated me like a real friend and I backstabbed him, I hurt him, I mistreated him, I abused his kindness no one wants to admit but we we hurt Philip Spain, Me, Japan. We hurt him I'm the worst I didn't realize but I was crying I'm a jerk I don't deserve Philip's forgiveness, I missed my chance now he's with Russia now that damn Commie but no I'm the reason why he's like this now we are the reason.
I start crying more just on the floor feeling weak. It's my fault it's our fault I hurt him....

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