Bits of the accident

695 31 4

???? Pov

"Please just listen to me" I said begging "NO" he shouts "Please listen I know I c-" he cuts me off "Can't you understand you aren't fit to lead your country by yourself use your brain" "But I-" I got cut off by another "SHUT UP" another voice "This is for your own good" another voice " You ARE INCOMPETENT" and another "DONT BE STUPID" and another.... And another.... And another... And another.... They leave slamming the door. Leaving me with my thoughts 'Yes maybe I'm not fit to lead' ' incompetent' 'they are right' 'No they aren't right' 'I -i can lead...' I kept thinking to myself.



I can't feel I can't see I see light where am i.....

Present time

Russia's POV

I'm driving back to Mansion slightly irritated 'I need a drink' I say to myself 'Is there really something going to happen will he come back'
I say to myself I keep thinking about why we were dreaming about him if so what will happen I'm lost iny thoughts. Suddenly a cat goes infront of my car I immediately stop. I go out of my car to look at the cat it was a kitten the cat then went to the side I was horrified it was a dead cat it was not even in the road so I sure didn't do that. I presumed it was the kitten's mother because it was crying well meowing like it was crying beside the Cat. I saw something in the distance and when I saw I almost threw up I cursed so much. It was the bodies of cat a female cat and kittens dead the one I saw erlier was a dead malr cat. I was angry "Who would do such a thing" I decided to take the cat home since I already did have a cat at home.

-back I'm Russia's house-

I gave the kitten some milk and also bathe it after it drank some milk it went to me and purred.

?????: Kuya Rusky look the cat is so
           Cute cmon pet him

Russia: ok sunshine
I pet the cat and when Sunshine put the cat down it went up to me and rubbed his head on my shoes pants and purrs? I was so confused

??????: Awww he likes you if the cat        does that it means they like you.

..,........right 'I remember he liked cats' "so little buddy you like me?" "What should I name you?" Then my cat navy comes in they seem to be the same kind of cat hmmm 🤔 "I'll just call you ruffles" the cat meowed oh right ruffles I'll feed you now. 'sunshine would have been so happy to see you two but I don't know now...'

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