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Phil POV

I called North on the phone because of the flamethrower yes I did Martial
Incharge of the trading for weapons and bombs today but when I said weapons I meant normal guns and explosives NOT A FREAKING FLAMETHROWER AND GIVE IT TO MARTIAL. finally North picked up


Oh hello there comrade I never thought you ever call on the phone again did you li-


well it's a good weapon and besides

North. How. Many. Did. You. Send.

Don't worry Phil it's not to m-

NORTH I'm Asking you don't make me repeat myself

Ok ok I sent 1000

North cancel that just send normal guns instead

But I can't d-

I. Will. Use. The. Flamethrower. On. You.

When and what date?

Good just send on **********
Fine just leave the one that you
Gave to martial alone I'm counting
On you to not EXCEED the date understand North?



Finally he agreed I rub my temples feeling stressed. 'I need to be calm' I tell myself. But my head hurts I think I have a headache. So I go to my bathroom to wash my face and to get my medicine because it's not the first time I had a headache.

I go to the bathroom and wash my face after I reach for the towel to wipe my face I scream at my reflection on the mirror my face the upper part that is blue has red parts/spots on my face not circles but it looks like my flag is changing I get scared and confused and I get more stressed. And also the bottom part of my face is turning blue also I noticed I have blue marks on my hands I try to wash them off but it won't come off. And I also notice my gold yellow colored eye has been getting light lately the old bright yellow became light yellow.

I start to hyperventilate because I'm scared and stressed and I noticed that the colors are getting worse so I try to calm myself I breath in and out slowly until I calm down, once I was calm and my head doesn't hurt anymore seems like the colors are not getting worse yet.... I remind myself I need to be calm and not be stressed because it seems the more I'm stressed they worsen and I remember last week when I was a bit stressed I have a blue spot on my arm and i just shrugged it off I thought it was dirt but now it became bigger then it clicked in my head. Martial and I are twins we have opposite colors my colors are starting to become like martial's colors the more stressed I get the quicker my colors change that seems to be the explanation but it doesn't explain why my colors are starting to switch.

Del suddenly opens the door screaming "PHIL ARE YOU OKAY I HEARD YOU SC-" He gets so shocked his eyes widened "Phil why is your face like that I don't remember you having blue on your skin and at the bottom of your flag and neither did you have red marks on the upper part of your face Phil is that paint?" I shook my head no "Phil are you ok what's Going on" del asks "I I don't know seems the more I get stressed my colors get quicker in switching I don't know why or how" I reply not knowing what to tell him.

Martial also comes in with a concerned look, "I heard what you said Phil are you ok is it really just switching your colors the more you get stressed we don't want you to d- you know we don't want you hurt" Martial says more concerned " I don't I don't know if this is harming me I just had a headache and my colors became like this" I tell them.

"Now what do we do Phil has to go  and have a press conference to clear things up" Martial says "hey hey Phil don't panic don't worry how about you just wear a mask a half face masquerade mask it won't cover the rest of the bottom of you face but it'll cover the spots for now until we find a solution" Del says confidently I just nod 'it is the best idea we have and I always wear a suit and gloves  so it will cover my hands' I think to myself.
"Wait so Phil will look like me if he completely switches his colors?" Martial says smiling kind off happy because of that thought "Really?" Del and I both said sarcastically and glaring at him. "What it's not that bad to look like me" Martial says and we both did a facepalm "MARTIAL WHAT DO YOU THINK THE PEOPLE ARE GONNA SAY WHEN THEY FOUND OUT THAT PHIL SWITCHED HIS COLORS" Del says annoyed martial just gives use a dumb look (• _ •) and we give him a ( -_-) look.

Later that night the mask was delivered to me and well I wore it I became much calmer when it hid my switching colors spots color of the mask is the same as my flag and it lines perfectly on the lines on my face it's like my face still but I have a mask and also has some gold designs little swivels.

Atleast this will cover them up for now........

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