I'm calm when I'm with you

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Phil POV

I wake up and rub my eyes , and stretch, I glance at the sofa and see that Russia was gone 'he's busy and left' I figured

I take of my gloves to see if it has gotten worse. I And I see that it gotten smaller and my pinky is turning red again I was relieved. But I also wonder how.

But for now I put my gloves back on and I get calm.

I don't know why but my heart's stings a bit that Russia isn't here I feel sad. I don't know why but I kinda want him here beside me. I shrugged the thought of I feel stupid thinking about something like that.

Then Russia comes in he looks like he ran a marathon he's panting and he looks tired "Huff huff s- sunshine you're awake I'm sorry that I was late I had trouble finding the doctor sorry for not being here before you woke up" he says to me.

I don't know why but I feel calm and happy when I see him and what he said my heart is beating a bit but I try to ignore it and shrug it off.

And I didn't notice but i was smiling I then see him very shocked and very happy "sunshine you're smiling again I thought I would never see you smile again" I realize and I just look down

"Oh and sunshine you get released today is there something you want to do? Don't worry your Brothers are already at your office and are managing fine" Russia says

"I see thank you for the information Russia and why didn't you leave aren't you busy" i ask

"What I'd never leave you and im not very busy. Do you wanna go walk in the park and go get some coffee or any drink in the afternoon?" He says

"I'm not really planning on anything so I guess we can go later" i say and he stands up and gestures like he just accomplished something great

Then my stomach growled "Oh right i almost forgot" he says and goes to a tray and gives it to me he really thought of my well being?

Aperantly he brought a tray of pancakes in without me noticing

"Here I brought you some blins I hope you like them" and he gives me a warm smile I feel hot my cheeks feel hot am I blushing no I can't be. I try to ignore my blushing cheeks

"Can I feed you sunshine?" He asks and I just nod he then cuts a piece of pancake and he feeds it to me not gonna lie the pancakes taste AMAZING and he seems to be enjoying feeding me

A few hours later i got released and I look at the time it's the afternoon it's 4 pm. Russia looks at me and says "Oh look at the time its 4pm wanna got it the park and have some coffee later sunshine?"

"Yes I guess I did say yes erlier right?" I reply and we go to the park I feel calm I look at the sun and take a deep breath it's been so long since I relaxed
The air feels great and the sun looks beautiful when was the last time I went outside to admire the scenery" after that little trance I see Russia staying at me them stared at the sun he looks so calm "You know Phil you are right the sun is very beautiful I also live to watch the sun and it reminds me of you (he looks at Phil) because you are my shunshine (realizes what said) I uhh u mean you have a sun in your flag and you love the sun right aahhaha" he says and scratches the back of his head and looks away

We walk around the park for a few minutes and after that we went to a coffee shop

I look around jeez it's so much modern and advanced now. "So what would you like Sunshine?" Ruski I mean Russia asks me "I'll have the *******" i say "what about you Ruski I mean Russia" I add he looks at me it's like he likes what I said and he says "I'll have whatever мой милый маленький  sunshine will have"

I don't know what he said but I just ignored it it must not be that important Or is it?

After Russia ordered and we took our seats. We drink our coffee but this specific question distracts me so I finally ask him "Russia ?????????"

He looks very shocked that I asked him that and he says "Phil I uhh"

Sooooo what you guys think he asked Russia ;) UWU Sorry cliffhanger

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