seperation anxiety

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I'm scared of the dark. I'm scared that there is a scary person under my bed who's going to grab or slice at my ankles or something.

When Anyssa is here, I recognize these fears and they get me spooked but I'm mostly okay because I know that she will protect me.

But when she's not here....... it's bad. Most of the time I can't stop crying, I have bad panic attacks that include, hyperventilating, extreme drops or peaks in body temperature, stomach cramps, nausea, my feet tingle, if it's really bad I'll start shaking, you get the point. Basically I can't sleep without her unless I cry myself to sleep so.....I dont know how to handle it. Having her on the phone is better than nothing but if she falls asleep before me, sometimes that triggers a panic attack, like it did tonight.

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