Day 6 - Cosplaying

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Cross is a weeb.

Uh, please no My Hero Academia spoilers blease, I haven't finished the series yet, thankies.



"Aww, Night come on."

"I'm not going as fucking Enji Todoroki." Nightmare hissed out, crossing his arms.

"Nighty, Cross has been working on these for months. You're not going to break his little, shriveled, probably half-dead, heart are you?" Dream caressed Nightmare's cheek, the styled, medium, white wig properly situated on his head.

Nightmare sighed, "even if you're trying to defend him, you can't help but insult Cross now can you babe?"

"Hehe! Nope, now put on the cosplay you dingus."

"Fine..." Nightmare mumbled, he turned around and began to put on the carefully handcrafted costume that Cross made.

"I'm not wearing the wig. Cross will just have to deal."


"Hey hey! It's mama and daddy Todoroki!" Ink called, folding his arms with a smirk.

Nightmare let out a groan as Dream just giggled, one hand holding Nightmare's hand and the other holding an empty tea kettle.

"Woah! You guys look great!" Cross said, bouncing on his heels.

"Cross you actually dyed half your hair red?" Nightmare asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, yeah, I wanted it to be natural."

"Does that mean I can actually burn your face?" Dream asked, smiling like a maniac.

"No." Nightmare told Dream flatly.

"NO." Cross hissed at the same time, crossing his arms.

"So let me see...I'm Enji, Endeavor, Dream is Rei, Cross is Shoto, Ink is Natsuo, and Error is Fuyumi. Yeah?" Nightmare checked, squeezing Dream's hand.

"Ye!" Ink chirped, giving him a thumbs up.

"It's a shame Blue got sick. It would've been fun with him." Error mumbled, messing with his sleeves.

"Oh yeah! Before we head, let me call him up real fast."

Dream handed Nightmare his kettle before pulling out his phone and calling up Blue.

"Yo." It was Killer's voice.

"Oh! Hey Kills! Is Blue awake?"

"Nah, he fell asleep like 20 minutes- hey! Hey, what are you-" There was a second of muffled arguing before a tired, croaky voice was heard.


"Hey Blue. How are you feeling buddy?"

"I uh, still have a- a fever, but I haven't thrown up in a day or so, so that's good!"

"Yeah, it is good. Get some rest okay?"

"Mkay...bye Dream."

Then Blue hung up, Dream slipped his phone into his pocket and took Nightmare by the hand.

"Thanks for doing this with us babe." Dream smiled, giving Nightmare a kiss on the cheek.

"Yeah, yeah. It's whatever..." Nightmare muttered, kissing him back.


So updated maybe a little slower than usual, I have lots of school work to do, but I'll try my best to get them all done. ^^


455 Words

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