Day 27 - Drunk

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I'm bringing back my ship kids.

You have Mercury [They/Them] and their old brother Eclipse [He/Him]. They are both Dreammare kids.

Then you have Caspian, who is a Blue/Cross kid and is Eclipse's boyfriend.

Also - TW- Alcohol and mentions of nudity


"What're we doing tonight Dreamy? The kids are away, everyone else gone, it's no one here but us." Nightmare smirked, leaning against the back of the couch.

"Oooh, I like the sound of that. Maybe we could indulge a little bit. You know, wine, beer, whiskey, have a little fun." Dream smirked back, his face just a couple of inches away from Nightmare's.

"That sounds good, it's been a while since I've last blacked out."

"Perfect! Blue just bought a whole bunch of alcohol, so we can have whatever we want. Well, except for the hardcore whiskey. Blue will lose his shit if even a drop wasn't drunk by him."

"Blue likes hardcore whiskey? I thought he was a lightweight?"

"That's what he wants people to think."

"That sounds like Blue."

"That IS Blue Nightlight, now come on! Nights still young!"

"No, I'm not, I'm 567, just like you."

Dream smacked him in response.

The two made their way into the dining room and their eyes immediately drawn to the case of alcohol.

"Dream, go get out the wine, beer, and whatever else you want to drink, I'll go get the glasses."


Dream walked over to the large case and whipped the doors open.

There was all sorts of wine, whiskey (the hardcore stuff hand a sticky note saying not to touch it), gin, moonshine, and all sorts of beer.

He grabbed a bottle of each (except the whiskey) and carried them in his arms. He set them all down on the table in a line, from smallest to biggest bottle.

Nightmare gave Dream a look, carrying a couple of glasses. Nightmare set them down next to the bottles.

Dream grinned opening a bottle of white wine and pouring it into the glasses. Nightmare watched him, getting more and more concerned as Dream didn't stop pouring.

"Don't you think that's a bit much Dreamy?"

"Haha! NO."


Nightmare took the glass in his hand and clinked it against Dream's, "Cheers."

"Cheers brother."

"Don't call me that."


"Because we're not related and you know how people can get."

"Oh yeah. Uh." Dream paused, "Cheers babe."

"That'll do Dream. That'll do."


"I didn't know that you were good at video games Mercury!" Caspian noted, punching Mercury in the shoulder. Mercury laughed, punching him back.

"Sometimes I forget how bad Eclipse is at video games." Mercury snickered.

"I let you win little sib. I need to bring your ego up so I can tear it back down again."

"Uh-huh, and that's why you lost at Connect 4, huh babe?" Caspian noted, stroking Eclipse's arm.

Eclipse scoffed, bonking Caspian on the head, "Cas you know I suck at Connect 4. You already had that advantage."

"Well, I'm glad you kids had fun. I'm sure Nightmare and Dream appreciated the alone time." Blue laughed, he was very tired.

"Thanks, Mr. Blue," Mercury told Blue, patting his arm.

The four entered the dining room, all of them stopping to see multiple glasses on the table, empty alcohol bottles, and alcohol all over the table and the floor.

Blue put his hands together, "Hm. Looks like your parents got into the alcohol. If they touched my whiskey I'm going to kill them..." Blue muttered the last part, walking over to the cabinet.


They all looked up.

"Go find Dream and Nightmare please, I'll clean this up."

"Yes Sir." Eclipse saluted and grabbed his sibling and boyfriend. The trio walked around the castle, listening and searching for Dream and Nightmare.

They walked into the dining room and found the husbands. Nightmare was on the couch, he was still...relatively dressed, his jacket was on the floor. While Dream was draped over the couch, wearing nothing but his shirt and flag thing. Eclipse covered Caspian's eyes.

Nightmare had a drunken blush across his cheeks and the kids assumed Dream did too.


"Yea-ah?" Nightmare's voice was croaky and low.

"Wanna-" Dream hiccuped, "Wanna knows somethin crazy?"


"The sun, is just a, a...the sun is just a really big star."

"Oh my god."

"Dads please."


We're almost done :D


734 Words

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