Day 16 - Without Magic

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Dream landed face-first into dirt, his arms shaking as he pulled himself up. He wiped the dirt off of his black jeans, then off his face.

He stood up straight and looked around, he was in some sort of forest. The forest had very thick trees, lots of vague animal noises came from all around him.

The sun was almost directly above him, which meant it was almost noon. He could go home right now and he wouldn't miss lunch. Blue was making lunch today and Dream adored his cooking.

Dream flicked his hand and walked forward, ready to open the door to his house. Surprisingly, there was no door and he hadn't left the universe.


Dream flicked his hand again. No portal.

Okay, this is fine. He could just call Ink or Error and he'd be out of the universe in a flash.

Hm. No service either. That might be a problem.

Dream took a long breath. Breathing in through his nose and out his mouth. Stay calm. Panicking would do nothing.

He tried to summon his bow but nothing appeared in his hand.

Okay, so this world had no magic. That's fine. He'll wait it out then. Blue will get help and he'll be out of here in no time at all.

He knew that he probably should stay in one spot until he was found but his calling of exploration was too much to handle. Maybe there was a place he could stay.

He looked up at the sun, not directly, it was going to head west and he was going to follow it. He had to come across something eventually, right? If he found a river or lake, he would follow that instead, people tended to live near water.

He slipped his hands in his pockets and began to follow the direction of the sun. Food or water wasn't his biggest concern at the moment, this forest was giant, he would come across food sooner rather than later.

He walked away from the little open area he had fallen into and into the forest. The trees were very tall, but the sun was shining through the leaves just fine.

He walked for maybe an hour or two, he really couldn't tell. The sun's position had changed but he couldn't tell by how much. He had eaten some berries he had found along the way, they didn't taste the greatest but they weren't poisoned.

He and Nightmare lived by themselves in the wilderness for about 300 years so he knew what he could eat and what he couldn't.

And he was 99.8% sure that since he was immortal that he could basically eat whatever and he couldn't get poisoning from plants.

He ate another one of the mystery berries, humming a little tune to himself as he walked. Even though he was transported here through unknown means, this was really relaxing.

It had been a long time since he last went for a walk. This was...very nice. He had been somewhat stressed lately, it was Ink's fault,  and he was enjoying this a lot.

Well, he WAS enjoying this until his food got caught in an animal trap and shot him 10 feet up in the air.

"Shit..." Dream growled, trying to reach the rope caught around his foot, but alas, he could not reach it.

He sighed, letting himself hang there. So there was civilization! Good to know. He looked at the trap carefully, looking at its mechanics the best he could.

These look like the traps Nightmare used to make.



Dream spun around a little longer before closing his eyes and tried to get some sleep. He actually managed to fall into unconsciousness for a short amount of time before the sound of footsteps awoken him.

"What in the- Dream?!"

Dream looked down, "oh my god, Nightmare? What are you doing here?!"

"I could ask you the same thing." Nightmare threw a makeshift knife up at the rope holding Dream up in the air.

Dream landed gracefully face-first into the ground. He got up, wiping the dirt off his face.

" you wanna come to see where I'm staying?"

"Yeah. Sure."

This was very awkward.

The very long and excruciating walk back to Nightmare's camp was finally over. The sun had started to set so Nightmare speed walked over to where he had gathered firewood.

Dream walked over to where Nightmare had dragged a log to sit down on. He brushed the bugs off of the log and sat down, waiting for Nightmare to come back.

"How long have you been here?" Dream asked, from the looks of the camp, and from the mess that was Nightmare, maybe a week or so?

"Almost two weeks. And before you ask, no, I didn't run into any other people."

"Ah." Dream didn't have any other response to that.

Nightmare began to make a fire, not saying another word. Eventually, he got one started, the crackles of the fire being the only noise.

Dream kept glancing at Nightmare then back at the fire. He hoped Nightmare didn't notice. This was just like old times. Back before people settled down in Dreamtale.

Back before...

"Why do you hate me?" Dream asked his elbows on his knees.

"...I don't?"

"Tch. You've been acting like it."

"Dream I don't hate you."

"Really? Then why try to kill me every week, put my friends in danger, and mock me on the daily?! That doesn't sound like love to me." Dream hissed, crossing his arms.

Nightmare stood up, walked in front of Dream, and pinned him against the log. Dream could feel Nightmare's breath hit against his chin.

"Jesus Christ you're so stupid. So oblivious." Nightmare snarled, gripping onto Dream's thighs.

"It's because I'm jealous of you dumbass. I think you're perfect and it's not fair how people you. The villagers, Blue, Ink, everyone. It pisses me off."

"Well, you wanna know what pisses me off?" Dream asked, grabbing Nightmare's shirt collar and pulling him even closer.

"The fact that every single thing I do is for you. I adore you so fucking kiss me you asshole."

"Fuck you..." Nightmare mumbled as Dream pulled him into a kiss. It was no surprise that Dream went in tongue first.

The two fell on the ground, their lips never separating. Nightmare kept Dream pinned underneath him, despite Dream's best attempts to get back on top.

"So...are you guys like a thing or...?" Nightmare shot straight up, clearly very surprised and very flustered.

Blue was standing next to Error, a portal open behind them.

"Would uh, y0u two like some more time to6ther or like, what?"

"I'm leaving this shit hole. Toodles losers." Nightmare shoved pasted Blue and Error, entering the Anti-Void and then disappearing.

Dream blew out some air, still on the floor. "You were right Blue."

"Right about what?"

"That my life is an enemies to lovers fan fiction."



I doubt that any other chapter will be this long dhdhdjfhwoabfj


1187 Words

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